ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas tentang Pelaksanaan Program Children Educational Support
dalam mengurangi prevalensi anak jalanan oleh Yayasan ISCO. Dilatarbelakangi oleh
masih banyak anak miskin rentan ke jalan akibat sulitnya akses ke layanan
pendidikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data
menggunakan observasi dan wawancara dengan 9 informan. Hasil penelitian
menunjukan bahwa pelaksanaan program sudah berjalan dengan cukup baik ditandai
dengan berkurangnya anak dampingan yang turun ke jalan disebabkan adanya
pemberian bantuan dalam pendidikan formal dan non formal. Hal ini menjadikan
terpenuhinya kebutuhan anak miskin untuk mendapatkan pendidikan sejak usia dini
sehingga intensitas untuk bekerja di jalan terminimalisir.
ABSTRACTThe thesis discusses about the implementation of children educational support in
reducing prevelance of street children by ISCO Foundation. Motivated by many poor
children vulnerable to be street cause the difficulty of access to educational services.
This research used a qualitative approach. Collecting data using observation and
interview with 9 informant. The study results show that implementation of program
has already ran fairly well characterized by reduced child beneficieris who took the
streets due to provision of assistance in formal and non-formal education. This made
the fulfillment of poor children needs to get an education from early age so the
intensity of street work has minimized.;The thesis discusses about the implementation of children educational support in
reducing prevelance of street children by ISCO Foundation. Motivated by many poor
children vulnerable to be street cause the difficulty of access to educational services.
This research used a qualitative approach. Collecting data using observation and
interview with 9 informant. The study results show that implementation of program
has already ran fairly well characterized by reduced child beneficieris who took the
streets due to provision of assistance in formal and non-formal education. This made
the fulfillment of poor children needs to get an education from early age so the
intensity of street work has minimized., The thesis discusses about the implementation of children educational support in
reducing prevelance of street children by ISCO Foundation. Motivated by many poor
children vulnerable to be street cause the difficulty of access to educational services.
This research used a qualitative approach. Collecting data using observation and
interview with 9 informant. The study results show that implementation of program
has already ran fairly well characterized by reduced child beneficieris who took the
streets due to provision of assistance in formal and non-formal education. This made
the fulfillment of poor children needs to get an education from early age so the
intensity of street work has minimized.]