ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat seberapa besar variabel etos kerja
dan daya saing memberikan pengaruh terhadap variabel prestasi kerja. Pada masa
perkembangannya, manusia memiliki tugas perkembangan termasuk dalam
perkembangan karir dan kematangan berperilaku sesuai dengan norma yang
berlaku dalam agama dan masyarakat. Etos kerja dan daya saing merupakan
bagian dari kematangan berperilaku dan kekuatan individu dalam mencapai
prestasi kerja.
Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel sebanyak 30 manager, dengan
tingkatan jabatan pada tataran manajerial yaitu manajer atas, menengah dan
bawah. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan non probability sampling.
Data yang diperoleh dianalisa menggunakan deskripsi kuantitatif, dengan model
korelasi dan regresi berganda.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa etos kerja memiliki korelasi positif
yang signifikan, sedangkan daya saing memiliki korelasi positif yang tidak
signifikan. Etos kerja memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap prestasi kerja. Secara
bersama-sama variabel etos kerja dan daya saing memiliki pengaruh yang tidak
signifikan dan memberikan kontribusi sebesar 9.8% terhadap variasi variabel
prestasi kerja.
ABSTRACTThis research conducted to determine the influence of work ethic and
competitiveness toward job performance. In their growth, people have duties such
as career development and mature behavior based on morality and religion values.
Work ethic and competitiveness are the sides that propel people to gain of job
The numbers of sample in this research are 30 managers, at level top
manager, middle manager and low manager. The sampling method uses non
probability sampling. All data analyzed by descriptive quantitative method with
correlation and multiple regression models.
The result shows that work ethic has significant positive correlation with
job performance, and competitiveness has positive correlation but not significant.
Work ethic has significant influence toward job performance. However work ethic
and competitiveness together have no significant influence toward job
performance. Both can explain 9.8% variation from variable job performance.;This research conducted to determine the influence of work ethic and
competitiveness toward job performance. In their growth, people have duties such
as career development and mature behavior based on morality and religion values.
Work ethic and competitiveness are the sides that propel people to gain of job
The numbers of sample in this research are 30 managers, at level top
manager, middle manager and low manager. The sampling method uses non
probability sampling. All data analyzed by descriptive quantitative method with
correlation and multiple regression models.
The result shows that work ethic has significant positive correlation with
job performance, and competitiveness has positive correlation but not significant.
Work ethic has significant influence toward job performance. However work ethic
and competitiveness together have no significant influence toward job
performance. Both can explain 9.8% variation from variable job performance, This research conducted to determine the influence of work ethic and
competitiveness toward job performance. In their growth, people have duties such
as career development and mature behavior based on morality and religion values.
Work ethic and competitiveness are the sides that propel people to gain of job
The numbers of sample in this research are 30 managers, at level top
manager, middle manager and low manager. The sampling method uses non
probability sampling. All data analyzed by descriptive quantitative method with
correlation and multiple regression models.
The result shows that work ethic has significant positive correlation with
job performance, and competitiveness has positive correlation but not significant.
Work ethic has significant influence toward job performance. However work ethic
and competitiveness together have no significant influence toward job
performance. Both can explain 9.8% variation from variable job performance]