ABSTRAKTesis ini menganalisis serta membangun kompetensi jabatan supervisor divisi
marketing dan collection di PT. XYZ yang merupakan salah satu perusahaan
pembiayaan di Indonesia. Berdasarkan wawancara yang dilakukan dengan
manager divisi human resource planning and development, beberapa orang dari
divisi marketing (area manager dan supervisor) dan beberapa orang dari divisi
collection (area manager dan supervisor), visi dan misi perusahaan, nilai-nilai
perusahaan, serta deskripi pekerjaan diperoleh hasil bahwa kompetensi yang
sesuai untuk jabatan marketing supervisor terbagi kedalam 4 kategori, yaitu
achievement and action, helping and human service, impact and influence cluster,
dan personal effectiveness. Sedangkan untuk kompetensi jabatan collection
supervisor terbagi menjadi 6 kategori, yaitu Achievement and action, helping and
human service, impact and influence cluster, managerial, cognitive, dan personal
ABSTRACTThis thesis analyzed and building the role competence of marketing and collection
supervisor in PT. XYZ as one of multifinance company in Indonesia. Based on the
result of behavioral event interview, the vision and mission of the company, the
corporate values, and the job descriptions obtained the outcome that the role
competences of marketing supervisor are divided into 4 categories including
achievement and action, helping and human service, impact and influence cluster, and
personal effectiveness and the competences of collection supervisor are divided into 6
categories including Achievement and action, helping and human service, impact and
influence cluster, managerial, cognitive, and personal effectiveness, This thesis analyzed and building the role competence of marketing and collection
supervisor in PT. XYZ as one of multifinance company in Indonesia. Based on the
result of behavioral event interview, the vision and mission of the company, the
corporate values, and the job descriptions obtained the outcome that the role
competences of marketing supervisor are divided into 4 categories including
achievement and action, helping and human service, impact and influence cluster, and
personal effectiveness and the competences of collection supervisor are divided into 6
categories including Achievement and action, helping and human service, impact and
influence cluster, managerial, cognitive, and personal effectiveness]