ABSTRAKSecara keseluruhan tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi pertahanan Indonesia terhadap ancaman China selama kurun waktu 1995 hingga 2012. Hal ini dilakukan dengan terlebih dahulu menguraikan China yang saat ini tumbuh sebagai kekuatan ekonomi dan militer, di mana kekuatannya sejalan dengan sikap asertinya yang dipandang mengancam bagi negara-negara Asia Tenggara dan Timur. Lalu berlanjut pada alasan pemilihan strategi pertahanan Indonesia terhadap ancaman China selama kurun waktu dimaksud. Analisis awal adalah ancaman yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan ukuran-ukuran militer dalam balance of threat untuk memaparkan ancaman China. Kemudian setiap bentuk kerjasama pertahanan, ekonomi, modernisasi dan akusisi persenjataan yang dilakukan Indonesia dianalisis sesuai dengan ciri hedging sebagai bentuk upaya Indonesia dalam merespon ancaman tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan studi dokumen yang berkaitan dengan strategi pertahanan Indonesia selama kurun waktu 1995 hingga 2012. Penelitian ini telah membuktikan bahwa strategi hedging yang dilakukan Indonesia merupakan upaya mengembangkan maupun lebih memperkuat hubungan kerjasama dengan China yang dipandang ancaman tersebut. Strategi hedging yang dilakukan Indonesia yaitu berupa indirect balancing di Asia Tenggara yaitu, ketika negara-negara Asia Tenggara berusaha membujuk AS sebagai pengimbang pengaruh regional China di kawasan, dan complex engagement dengan China pada level politik, ekonomi, dan strategi dengan harapan bahwa para pemimpin China dapat disosialisasikan untuk mematuhi norma-norma internasional.
ABSTRACTThis thesis seeks to understand the Indonesian security strategy towards China threat, from 1995 to 2012. As one of the symbols of economic and military might, China?s strength and assertiveness are perceived as a threat to Southeast and East Asian countries. The paper explains the Indonesian security strategy towards China during the period. Meanwhile, preliminary analysis discusses the conduct that is measured in Balance of Threat theory to explain the threat. Additionally, every defense and economic cooperation, modernization and weapon acquisitions by the Indonesians, is analyzed with hedging characteristic. This study was conducted by using qualitative method and document study research related to Indonesian defense strategy during 1995 to 2012. Finally, it shows that the hedging strategy is a way to develop and strengthen the ties with China. It is done in the form of indirect balancing in the Southeast Asia, in which the Southeast Asian countries were trying to persuade US regional influence in the region, and complex engagement with China at the level of politics, economy and military strategy, hoping that its leaders can better adherence to international norms.;This thesis seeks to understand the Indonesian security strategy towards China threat, from 1995 to 2012. As one of the symbols of economic and military might, China?s strength and assertiveness are perceived as a threat to Southeast and East Asian countries. The paper explains the Indonesian security strategy towards China during the period. Meanwhile, preliminary analysis discusses the conduct that is measured in Balance of Threat theory to explain the threat. Additionally, every defense and economic cooperation, modernization and weapon acquisitions by the Indonesians, is analyzed with hedging characteristic. This study was conducted by using qualitative method and document study research related to Indonesian defense strategy during 1995 to 2012. Finally, it shows that the hedging strategy is a way to develop and strengthen the ties with China. It is done in the form of indirect balancing in the Southeast Asia, in which the Southeast Asian countries were trying to persuade US regional influence in the region, and complex engagement with China at the level of politics, economy and military strategy, hoping that its leaders can better adherence to international norms., This thesis seeks to understand the Indonesian security strategy towards China threat, from 1995 to 2012. As one of the symbols of economic and military might, China?s strength and assertiveness are perceived as a threat to Southeast and East Asian countries. The paper explains the Indonesian security strategy towards China during the period. Meanwhile, preliminary analysis discusses the conduct that is measured in Balance of Threat theory to explain the threat. Additionally, every defense and economic cooperation, modernization and weapon acquisitions by the Indonesians, is analyzed with hedging characteristic. This study was conducted by using qualitative method and document study research related to Indonesian defense strategy during 1995 to 2012. Finally, it shows that the hedging strategy is a way to develop and strengthen the ties with China. It is done in the form of indirect balancing in the Southeast Asia, in which the Southeast Asian countries were trying to persuade US regional influence in the region, and complex engagement with China at the level of politics, economy and military strategy, hoping that its leaders can better adherence to international norms.]