ABSTRAKTesis ini meneliti tentang museum inklusif yang merupakan ciri dari konsep New
museology dan implementasinya melalui penggunaan media sosial yang dapat
diterapkan dalam pengelolan museum. Obyek penelitian ini adalah Museum
Konferensi Asia Afrika di Bandung, Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian
dengan metode kualitatif dan Tahapan penelitian ini mencakup, pengumpulan
data, pengolahan data, dan kesimpulan. Intisari dari museum inklusif adalah
mengajak masyarakat berpartisipasi, bebas akses, dan menampilkan museum yang
lebih atraktif, sehingga dapat membantu museum mencapai tujuan dalam
membangun pengetahuan dan menguatkan hubungan dengan masyarakat.
ABSTRACTThis thesis studied the inclusive museum that is a mark of new museology
concept, which can manifest in museum practice through the role of social media
as one of the types of media platforms. Object of this study is the Museum of the
Asian-African Conference in Bandung, West Java. This thesis uses qualitative
method and research stages include data collection, data processing, and data
integration. In essence, the inclusive museum is a character of the museum that
invites public to participate, free access, and features a museum that is more
attractive, so it can help the museum achieve the goal in building knowledge and
strengthen relationships with the community;This thesis studied the inclusive museum that is a mark of new museology
concept, which can manifest in museum practice through the role of social media
as one of the types of media platforms. Object of this study is the Museum of the
Asian-African Conference in Bandung, West Java. This thesis uses qualitative
method and research stages include data collection, data processing, and data
integration. In essence, the inclusive museum is a character of the museum that
invites public to participate, free access, and features a museum that is more
attractive, so it can help the museum achieve the goal in building knowledge and
strengthen relationships with the community, This thesis studied the inclusive museum that is a mark of new museology
concept, which can manifest in museum practice through the role of social media
as one of the types of media platforms. Object of this study is the Museum of the
Asian-African Conference in Bandung, West Java. This thesis uses qualitative
method and research stages include data collection, data processing, and data
integration. In essence, the inclusive museum is a character of the museum that
invites public to participate, free access, and features a museum that is more
attractive, so it can help the museum achieve the goal in building knowledge and
strengthen relationships with the community]