ABSTRAKPenggunaan alat pembayaran non-tunai dalam dua dekade terakhir
meningkat pesat. Namun demikian, perkembangan penggunaan alat
pembayaran non-tunai tersebut belum mencapai tingkat yang diharapkan.
Penggunaan alat pembayaran tunai terus meningkat tercermin pada
peningkatan uang kartal yang diedarkan.
Tesis ini menganalisa permintaan uang kartal di Indonesia
menggunakan data bulanan dari tahun 2005 s.d 2013 dengan memasukkan
pengaruh alat pembayaran non-tunai melalui kartu dan uang elektronik.
Untuk kebutuhan analisis, selain menganalisis permintaan uang kartal
secara agregat, penelitian ini juga menganalisis permintaan uang kartal
berdasarkan 2 katagori denominasi yaitu permintaan uang kartal pecahan
besar (UPB) dan permintaan uang kartal uang kartal pecahan kecil (UPK).
Dengan menggunakan vector error correction model (VECM), hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa permintaan uang kartal secara agregat
maupun permintaan berdasarkan denominasi (UPB dan UPK) meningkat
dengan meningkatnya pendapatan (PDB), dan menurun dengan
meningkatnya suku bunga. Sedangkan terhadap variabel non-tunai tidak
ditemukan hasil yang konklusif bahwa variabel non-tunai tersebut
berdampak terhadap permintaan uang kartal agregat, permintaan UPB, dan
permintaan UPK.
ABSTRACTWhile non-cash payment usage has increased dramatically in the last two
decades, the stock of outstanding currency has not declined. Non-cash payment
usage does not reach at the expected level as reflected by the increasing stock of
outstanding currency.
The thesis analyses currency demand in Indonesia using monthly data
from 2005 to 2013 with incorporating non-cash payment particularly payment
card usage and electronic money. For the analysis purposes, the examination is
undertaken by analyzing currency demand at the aggregate level as well as at the
denominational composition, i.e. analyzing currency demand at high
denomination and currency demand at low denomination.
Using vector error correction model (VECM), those currency demand
models are investigated. The result shows that those currency demands increase
when income rise and currency demands decrease when interest rate increase.
Related to non-cash payment, there is no conclusive result that non-cash
payment has impact either at aggregate currency demand or at denomination
currency demand.;While non-cash payment usage has increased dramatically in the last two
decades, the stock of outstanding currency has not declined. Non-cash payment
usage does not reach at the expected level as reflected by the increasing stock of
outstanding currency.
The thesis analyses currency demand in Indonesia using monthly data
from 2005 to 2013 with incorporating non-cash payment particularly payment
card usage and electronic money. For the analysis purposes, the examination is
undertaken by analyzing currency demand at the aggregate level as well as at the
denominational composition, i.e. analyzing currency demand at high
denomination and currency demand at low denomination.
Using vector error correction model (VECM), those currency demand
models are investigated. The result shows that those currency demands increase
when income rise and currency demands decrease when interest rate increase.
Related to non-cash payment, there is no conclusive result that non-cash
payment has impact either at aggregate currency demand or at denomination
currency demand., While non-cash payment usage has increased dramatically in the last two
decades, the stock of outstanding currency has not declined. Non-cash payment
usage does not reach at the expected level as reflected by the increasing stock of
outstanding currency.
The thesis analyses currency demand in Indonesia using monthly data
from 2005 to 2013 with incorporating non-cash payment particularly payment
card usage and electronic money. For the analysis purposes, the examination is
undertaken by analyzing currency demand at the aggregate level as well as at the
denominational composition, i.e. analyzing currency demand at high
denomination and currency demand at low denomination.
Using vector error correction model (VECM), those currency demand
models are investigated. The result shows that those currency demands increase
when income rise and currency demands decrease when interest rate increase.
Related to non-cash payment, there is no conclusive result that non-cash
payment has impact either at aggregate currency demand or at denomination
currency demand.]