ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas tentang peran Asi Mbojo dalam perjalanan sejarah Bima
khususnya pada masa kesultanan Bima. Peran tersebut merupakan warisan budaya
tidak berwujud yang saat ini dijadikan sebagai identitas masyarakat Bima.Asi
Mbojo adalah sebutan dari istana Bima yang saat ini telah dijadikan sebagai
Museum Daerah Kabupaten Bima. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk
memberikan pemahaman kepada masyarakat bahwa bangunan Asi Mbojo yang
mereka lihat saat ini, bukanlah sebuah bangunan yang tidak bermakna. Akan
tetapi, bangunan tersebut melalui empat perannya, yaitu sebagai pusat
pemerintahan, pusat penyebaran agama, pusat pengembangan kebudayaan, dan
pusat pengadilan mempunyai nilai historis dan menjadi saksi bisu dari perjalanan
sejarah dari masa ke masa.Asi Mbojo kini bercerita.;This thesis discusses the role of Asi Mbojo in the history of Bimanese especially
during the sultanate of Bima. The role is an intangible cultural heritage which is
currently used as the identity of the Bima society. Asi Mbojo is the name of Bima
palace which has been formalized into the Museum in Bima regency called Asi
Mbojo Museum. The purpose of this study is to provide insight to the public that
the building Asi Mbojo they see today, is not a building that is not meaningful.
However, the building is through the four roles, namely as the seat of government,
center spread of religious, cultural development center, and the center court which
has historical value and as a silent witness of history from time to time. Now, Asi
Mbojo tells.;This thesis discusses the role of Asi Mbojo in the history of Bimanese especially
during the sultanate of Bima. The role is an intangible cultural heritage which is
currently used as the identity of the Bima society. Asi Mbojo is the name of Bima
palace which has been formalized into the Museum in Bima regency called Asi
Mbojo Museum. The purpose of this study is to provide insight to the public that
the building Asi Mbojo they see today, is not a building that is not meaningful.
However, the building is through the four roles, namely as the seat of government,
center spread of religious, cultural development center, and the center court which
has historical value and as a silent witness of history from time to time. Now, Asi
Mbojo tells., This thesis discusses the role of Asi Mbojo in the history of Bimanese especially
during the sultanate of Bima. The role is an intangible cultural heritage which is
currently used as the identity of the Bima society. Asi Mbojo is the name of Bima
palace which has been formalized into the Museum in Bima regency called Asi
Mbojo Museum. The purpose of this study is to provide insight to the public that
the building Asi Mbojo they see today, is not a building that is not meaningful.
However, the building is through the four roles, namely as the seat of government,
center spread of religious, cultural development center, and the center court which
has historical value and as a silent witness of history from time to time. Now, Asi
Mbojo tells.]