ABSTRAKPembangunan merupakan salah satu upaya dalam mensejahterakan masyarakat,
namun pembangunan memiliki dampak negatif yakni terjadinya ketimpangan
pembangunan antar daerah baik antara kawasan indonesia bagian timur dengan
bagian barat maupun antar wilayah kepulauan dan wilayah daratan. DKI Jakarta
memiliki karakteristik yang sama dengan Indonesia karena DKI Jakarta sebagai
ibukota negara juga memiliki pulau-pulau sangat kecil dalam wilayah
administrasinya. Pembangunan yang dilakukan di DKI Jakarta juga menimbulkan
ketimpangan yakni antara wilayah kepulauan dengan wilayah daratan. Penelitian
dilakukan dengan pendekatan mix method yang mengkombinasikan metode
kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Untuk mengukur ketimpangan digunakan Indeks
Williamson, sementara untuk melihat penyebab ketimpangan digunakan
pendekatan kualitatif yang menggabungkan metode observasi, wawancara
mendalam, dan tinjauan teori serta data sekunder (triangulasi).
Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa terjadi ketimpangan yang terus meningkat
dalam 5 tahun terakhir di wilayah DKI Jakarta terutama antara wilayah daratan
dengan wilayah kepulauan. Selain ketimpangan pembangunan yang semakin
besar di Wilayah kepulauan, pembangunan di wilayah tersebut juga mengancam
keberlanjutan permukiman masyarakat di wilayah kepulauan. Hasil penelitian
juga menemukan beberapa faktor yang menjadi penyebab ketimpangan
diantaranya adalah faktor geografis, faktor kebijakan pemerintah, faktor lemahnya
penataan ruang, faktor Sumberdaya manusia, dan faktor ekonomi. Kemudian faktor-faktor yang dapat mengurangi ketimpangan adalah faktor kebijakan,
perencanan, dan faktor kelembagaan.
Berdasarkan temuan-temuan penelitian tersebut maka kebijakan untuk
mengurangi ketimpangan pembangunan dapat dilakukan dengan kebijakan dan
perencanaan yang mempertimbangkan konsep ekoregion dan antroporegion dalam
kebijakan pembangunan wilayah kepulauan seribu. Kemudian pendekatan
pembangunan yang berorientasi daratan harus mulai dirubah menjadi paradigma
pembangunan berkelanjutan yang berorientasi pada pulau-laut sehingga kebijakan
yang diambil dapat berpihak kepada kondisi dan karaktersitik wilayah kepulauan
mikro yang rentan terhadap perubahan. Penyusunan tata ruang laut yang
terintegrasi dengan ruang daratan dapat menjadi titik awal dalam mengurangi
ketimpangan wilayah kepulauan dan daratan.
ABSTRACTDevelopment is one of the efforts in the welfare of society, but the development
has a negative impact that the development of inter-regional inequality between
the eastern Indonesian region with the west and between the islands and mainland
territories. Jakarta has the same characteristics as the Indonesian capital of Jakarta
as the country also has a very small islands within its jurisdiction. Development is
done in Jakarta also cause the imbalance between the islands with the mainland
region. The study was conducted with a mixed method approach that combines
quantitative and qualitative methods. Index used to measure inequality
Williamson, while to look at the causes of inequality used a qualitative approach
which combines the method of observation, in-depth interviews, and reviews the
theory and secondary data (triangulation).
The study found that there was inequality increasing in the last 5 years in Jakarta
especially among the archipelago's land area. Besides inequality greater
development in the islands region, development in the region also threatens the
sustainability of public housing in the islands. Research has found several factors
that cause imbalances include geographic factors, government policy factors,
factors of weak spatial planning, human resource factors, and economic factors.
Then the factors that can reduce inequality is a factor of policy, planning, and
institutional factors.
Based on the research findings, a policy to reduce inequality can be done with
policy development and planning that considers the concept of eco-regional and
regional development policy antroporegion thousand islands. Then the land- oriented approach to development should start changed the paradigm of
sustainable development-oriented sea island that measures taken to favor the
conditions and the characteristics of micro archipelago are susceptible to change.
Marine spatial planning integrated with land space can be a starting point in
reducing inequality of the islands and the mainland.;Development is one of the efforts in the welfare of society, but the development
has a negative impact that the development of inter-regional inequality between
the eastern Indonesian region with the west and between the islands and mainland
territories. Jakarta has the same characteristics as the Indonesian capital of Jakarta
as the country also has a very small islands within its jurisdiction. Development is
done in Jakarta also cause the imbalance between the islands with the mainland
region. The study was conducted with a mixed method approach that combines
quantitative and qualitative methods. Index used to measure inequality
Williamson, while to look at the causes of inequality used a qualitative approach
which combines the method of observation, in-depth interviews, and reviews the
theory and secondary data (triangulation).
The study found that there was inequality increasing in the last 5 years in Jakarta
especially among the archipelago's land area. Besides inequality greater
development in the islands region, development in the region also threatens the
sustainability of public housing in the islands. Research has found several factors
that cause imbalances include geographic factors, government policy factors,
factors of weak spatial planning, human resource factors, and economic factors.
Then the factors that can reduce inequality is a factor of policy, planning, and
institutional factors.
Based on the research findings, a policy to reduce inequality can be done with
policy development and planning that considers the concept of eco-regional and
regional development policy antroporegion thousand islands. Then the land- oriented approach to development should start changed the paradigm of
sustainable development-oriented sea island that measures taken to favor the
conditions and the characteristics of micro archipelago are susceptible to change.
Marine spatial planning integrated with land space can be a starting point in
reducing inequality of the islands and the mainland., Development is one of the efforts in the welfare of society, but the development
has a negative impact that the development of inter-regional inequality between
the eastern Indonesian region with the west and between the islands and mainland
territories. Jakarta has the same characteristics as the Indonesian capital of Jakarta
as the country also has a very small islands within its jurisdiction. Development is
done in Jakarta also cause the imbalance between the islands with the mainland
region. The study was conducted with a mixed method approach that combines
quantitative and qualitative methods. Index used to measure inequality
Williamson, while to look at the causes of inequality used a qualitative approach
which combines the method of observation, in-depth interviews, and reviews the
theory and secondary data (triangulation).
The study found that there was inequality increasing in the last 5 years in Jakarta
especially among the archipelago's land area. Besides inequality greater
development in the islands region, development in the region also threatens the
sustainability of public housing in the islands. Research has found several factors
that cause imbalances include geographic factors, government policy factors,
factors of weak spatial planning, human resource factors, and economic factors.
Then the factors that can reduce inequality is a factor of policy, planning, and
institutional factors.
Based on the research findings, a policy to reduce inequality can be done with
policy development and planning that considers the concept of eco-regional and
regional development policy antroporegion thousand islands. Then the land- oriented approach to development should start changed the paradigm of
sustainable development-oriented sea island that measures taken to favor the
conditions and the characteristics of micro archipelago are susceptible to change.
Marine spatial planning integrated with land space can be a starting point in
reducing inequality of the islands and the mainland.]