ABSTRAKTesis ini adalah tentang persepsi audience terhadap sebuah produk budaya
Amerika. Fokus penelitian ini adalah audience Indonesia, yakni sekelompok
penggemar musik heavy metal rock Metallica. Audience dipilih berdasarkan suatu
kesamaan yakni memiliki ketertarikan menonton Metallica. Masalah yang
diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah tentang bagaimana persepsi para
penggemar musik cadas ini berdasarkan teori resepsi. Maka yang diteliti adalah
pendapat audience Indonesia terhadap Metallica serta yang dirasakan oleh
kelompok ini ketika menonton konser Metallica di Indonesia, khususnya Jakarta.
Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui wawancara terhadap informan penggemar
Metallica. Pengolahan data menggunakan teknik coding, yakni open coding,
axial coding dan selective coding. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa
seluruh informan mendapat pengaruh dan energi positif dari musik popular
Amerika Metallica. Musik cadas yang begitu kental dengan bayang- bayang
kebrutalan, narkotika, urakan dan musik keras ternyata tidak terjadi dalam
persepsi audience Indonesia. Mereka justru menikmati musik Metallica sebagai
pengaruh positif bagi kehidupan masing- masing informan, meskipun bidang yang
ditekuni berbeda- beda. Audience lebih memandang Metallica dari kualitas
bermusik baik secara fisik ataupun dari efek perasaan yang ditimbulkan dari
karya- karya Metallica.
ABSTRACTThis thesis describes the perceptions of an Indonesian audience toward a product
of American culture. The focus of this research is on, which is a group of heavy
metal rock music enthusiasts of the band Metallica. The researcher has chosen an
audience based on their interests toward Metallica?s concert and their fanaticism
toward Metallica?s music. Formulation of the problem in this research is about
how the perception of the audience of rock music is observed, based on the theory
of reception. This research discusses the opinions of a group of Indonesians about
hard rock band Metallica and about this audience?s feelings and experience of
Metallica?s concert in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta. Data were collected
through interviews with this audience. The researcher analyzes the data using
coding techniques, namely open coding, axial coding and selective coding. From
this research, it can be concluded that all participants got a positive energy and
influence from Metallica, an American popular band. Metal rock music is so thick
with shadows of brutality, narcotics, sloppy, and loud music. But this does not
occur in the perception of the Indonesian audience. They enjoy the music of
Metallica as a positive influence on their lives. They like the musical quality of
Metallica and enjoy Metallica?s album.;This thesis describes the perceptions of an Indonesian audience toward a product
of American culture. The focus of this research is on, which is a group of heavy
metal rock music enthusiasts of the band Metallica. The researcher has chosen an
audience based on their interests toward Metallica?s concert and their fanaticism
toward Metallica?s music. Formulation of the problem in this research is about
how the perception of the audience of rock music is observed, based on the theory
of reception. This research discusses the opinions of a group of Indonesians about
hard rock band Metallica and about this audience?s feelings and experience of
Metallica?s concert in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta. Data were collected
through interviews with this audience. The researcher analyzes the data using
coding techniques, namely open coding, axial coding and selective coding. From
this research, it can be concluded that all participants got a positive energy and
influence from Metallica, an American popular band. Metal rock music is so thick
with shadows of brutality, narcotics, sloppy, and loud music. But this does not
occur in the perception of the Indonesian audience. They enjoy the music of
Metallica as a positive influence on their lives. They like the musical quality of
Metallica and enjoy Metallica?s album., This thesis describes the perceptions of an Indonesian audience toward a product
of American culture. The focus of this research is on, which is a group of heavy
metal rock music enthusiasts of the band Metallica. The researcher has chosen an
audience based on their interests toward Metallica?s concert and their fanaticism
toward Metallica?s music. Formulation of the problem in this research is about
how the perception of the audience of rock music is observed, based on the theory
of reception. This research discusses the opinions of a group of Indonesians about
hard rock band Metallica and about this audience?s feelings and experience of
Metallica?s concert in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta. Data were collected
through interviews with this audience. The researcher analyzes the data using
coding techniques, namely open coding, axial coding and selective coding. From
this research, it can be concluded that all participants got a positive energy and
influence from Metallica, an American popular band. Metal rock music is so thick
with shadows of brutality, narcotics, sloppy, and loud music. But this does not
occur in the perception of the Indonesian audience. They enjoy the music of
Metallica as a positive influence on their lives. They like the musical quality of
Metallica and enjoy Metallica?s album.]