ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas tentang pengaruh sikap, norma subjektif dan kendali
perilaku terhadap Intensi Berwakaf Uang di Baitul Maal Muamalat. Penelitian
dilakukan terhadap 130 responden yang merupakan nasabah Bank Muamalat
dengan wilayah studi kasus Bank Muamalat cabang Rawamangun menggunakan
teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling. Analisis data dilakukan dengan
regresi linier berganda menggunakan program SPSS 13. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa baik faktor sikap, norma subjektif maupun kendali perilaku
memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap intensi berwakaf uang. Hasil
pengujian secara statistik menunjukkan adanya kontribusi pengaruh dari ketiga
faktor tersebut sebesar 55,6% terhadap Intensi Berwakaf Tunai, sedangkan 44,4%
lainnya dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor lain yang tidak disertakan dalam
penelitian. Dengan adanya kontribusi pengaruh yang besar tersebut, dapat dilihat
bahwa intensi (minat) berwakaf uang cukup tinggi maka perlu dilakukan proses
sosialisasi dan perbaikan dalam manajemen lembaga pengelola wakaf uang
sehingga potensi dan penerimaan wakaf uang dapat terus meningkat sesuai
dengan target yang diharapkan.
ABSTRACTThe objective of this thesis is analyze the influences of Attitude,
Subjective Norm and Perceived Behavioral Control towards Cash Waqf Intention
at Baitul Maal Muamalat. This research has 130 random sample (purposive
sampling) from customers of Muamalat Bank at Rawamangun Branch Office.
This research results that there is positive and significant influences of Attitude,
Subjective Norm and Perceived Behavioral Control towards Cash Waqf Intention
at Baitul Maal Muamalat, with contribution is 55,6%. This results indicate that
it?s needed better socialization and management of waqf institutions in receipt
and management of cash waqf.;The objective of this thesis is analyze the influences of Attitude,
Subjective Norm and Perceived Behavioral Control towards Cash Waqf Intention
at Baitul Maal Muamalat. This research has 130 random sample (purposive
sampling) from customers of Muamalat Bank at Rawamangun Branch Office.
This research results that there is positive and significant influences of Attitude,
Subjective Norm and Perceived Behavioral Control towards Cash Waqf Intention
at Baitul Maal Muamalat, with contribution is 55,6%. This results indicate that
it?s needed better socialization and management of waqf institutions in receipt
and management of cash waqf., The objective of this thesis is analyze the influences of Attitude,
Subjective Norm and Perceived Behavioral Control towards Cash Waqf Intention
at Baitul Maal Muamalat. This research has 130 random sample (purposive
sampling) from customers of Muamalat Bank at Rawamangun Branch Office.
This research results that there is positive and significant influences of Attitude,
Subjective Norm and Perceived Behavioral Control towards Cash Waqf Intention
at Baitul Maal Muamalat, with contribution is 55,6%. This results indicate that
it?s needed better socialization and management of waqf institutions in receipt
and management of cash waqf.]