ABSTRAKIndonesia di bawah kepemimpinan Soeharto adalah sebuah periode sejarah
bangsa dimana seluruh potensi nasional (kementerian dan lembaga) tersubordinasi
dalam konteks politik saat itu. ABRI yang merupakan salah satu elemen paling
vital dalam menjalankan roda pemerintahan Orde Baru dan pendukung utama
Golkar dengan konsep Dwi Fungsinya akhirnya terlibat jauh dalam urusan-urusan
politik. Dengan itu, seluruh institusi intelijen yang berada di bawah naungan
ABRI baik secara langsung dan tak langsung terpolitisasi oleh kepentingan
Soeharto sebagai pengguna intelijen (user) dan penentu kebijakan (policy maker).
Dalam sebuah negara yang dikelola secara otoriter dengan kepemimpinan yang
diktator akhirnya menjadikan institusi intelijen sebagai sebuah lembaga ?intelijen
politik?, selain itu, seluruh institusi intelijen mengalami ?militerisasi? dengan tidak
adanya diferensiasi intelijen yang membawa negara dalam bentuk ?negara
intelijen?. Politisasi institusi intelijen di masa orde baru terjadi dari berbagai
spektrum baik dari sudut pandang pengguna, analis, aktivitas maupun organisasi
intelijen. Di periode ini, intelijen bekerja sesuai dengan preferensi politik pribadi
pengguna intelijen.
Untuk menghindari politisasi dan penyalahgunaan intelijen, diperlukan
sebuah mekanisme yang dapat mengatur pengawasan terhadap badan intelijen
sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip negara demokrasi. Netralitas dan penguatan struktur
lembaga intelijen dapat dilakukan dengan mekanisme pengawasan yang dilakukan
oleh parlemen sesuai yang telah dimandatkan undang-undang. Pengawasan oleh
badan pengawas intelijen akan bekerja untuk mengawasi aktivitas, operasi dan
penganggaran yang terkait dengan intelijen.
ABSTRACTIndonesia under Suharto was a historic period in which all of national
potential (ministries and agencies) subordinated in the current political context .
Armed Forces (ABRI) which is one of the most vital element in running the New
Order regime and the Golkar major supporter of the concept of Dwi Fungsi deeply
involved in political affairs. With that, the entire intelligence institutions under the
auspices of the Armed Forces (ABRI), both directly and indirectly by the interests
of Suharto as politicized intelligence users and policy makers. In an authoritarian
state run by a dictator leadership eventually make intelligence institutions as an
institution 'political intelligence', other than that, the whole experience intelligence
institutions 'militarization' in the absence of differentiation of intelligence that
brings the state in the form of 'intelligence state'. Politicization of intelligence in
the new order of the various spectrum occurs from the standpoint of users,
analysts, and the activities of intelligence and organizations. In this period,
intelligence work in accordance with the user's personal political preferences .
To avoid politicization and misuse of intelligence, we need a mechanism
that can manage the oversight of intelligence services in accordance with the
principles of democracy. Neutrality and strengthening the structure of the
intelligence agencies can be mechanisms of control by the appropriate
parliamentary legislation mandated. Supervision by the oversight body will work
to oversee intelligence activities, operations and budgeting related to intelligence;Indonesia under Suharto was a historic period in which all of national
potential (ministries and agencies) subordinated in the current political context .
Armed Forces (ABRI) which is one of the most vital element in running the New
Order regime and the Golkar major supporter of the concept of Dwi Fungsi deeply
involved in political affairs. With that, the entire intelligence institutions under the
auspices of the Armed Forces (ABRI), both directly and indirectly by the interests
of Suharto as politicized intelligence users and policy makers. In an authoritarian
state run by a dictator leadership eventually make intelligence institutions as an
institution 'political intelligence', other than that, the whole experience intelligence
institutions 'militarization' in the absence of differentiation of intelligence that
brings the state in the form of 'intelligence state'. Politicization of intelligence in
the new order of the various spectrum occurs from the standpoint of users,
analysts, and the activities of intelligence and organizations. In this period,
intelligence work in accordance with the user's personal political preferences .
To avoid politicization and misuse of intelligence, we need a mechanism
that can manage the oversight of intelligence services in accordance with the
principles of democracy. Neutrality and strengthening the structure of the
intelligence agencies can be mechanisms of control by the appropriate
parliamentary legislation mandated. Supervision by the oversight body will work
to oversee intelligence activities, operations and budgeting related to intelligence, Indonesia under Suharto was a historic period in which all of national
potential (ministries and agencies) subordinated in the current political context .
Armed Forces (ABRI) which is one of the most vital element in running the New
Order regime and the Golkar major supporter of the concept of Dwi Fungsi deeply
involved in political affairs. With that, the entire intelligence institutions under the
auspices of the Armed Forces (ABRI), both directly and indirectly by the interests
of Suharto as politicized intelligence users and policy makers. In an authoritarian
state run by a dictator leadership eventually make intelligence institutions as an
institution 'political intelligence', other than that, the whole experience intelligence
institutions 'militarization' in the absence of differentiation of intelligence that
brings the state in the form of 'intelligence state'. Politicization of intelligence in
the new order of the various spectrum occurs from the standpoint of users,
analysts, and the activities of intelligence and organizations. In this period,
intelligence work in accordance with the user's personal political preferences .
To avoid politicization and misuse of intelligence, we need a mechanism
that can manage the oversight of intelligence services in accordance with the
principles of democracy. Neutrality and strengthening the structure of the
intelligence agencies can be mechanisms of control by the appropriate
parliamentary legislation mandated. Supervision by the oversight body will work
to oversee intelligence activities, operations and budgeting related to intelligence]