ABSTRAKIkan hiu merupakan top predator dalam rantai makanan di laut, sehingga
penangkapan ikan hiu secara ekstraktif dikhawatirkan menimbulkan ancaman
kelangkaan ikan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (a) mendeskripsikan teknologi
penangkapan ikan hiu yang digunakan nelayan Indramayu; (b) menganalisis
pertumbuhan ikan hiu yang tertangkap; (c) mengkaji kecenderungan CPUE hiu;
dan (d) menentukan sejumlah pilihan aksi pengelolaan berkelanjutan perikanan
hiu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis hubungan panjang bobot ikan,
analisis pertumbuhan, analisis CPUE, analisis ekonomi dan A?WOT. Analisis
teknik mengungkapkan bahwa penangkapan hiu oleh nelayan Indramayu
menggunakan gillnet millenium yang merupakan alat tangkap modifikasi dari
jaring insang. Analisis pertumbuhan menghasilkan korelasi antara panjang dan
bobot hiu per jenis bersifat allometrik negatif, yang artinya pertumbuhan panjang
ikan hiu lebih dominan dibandingkan dengan bobotnya. Analisis CPUE
mengungkapkan bahwa trendnya selalu meningkat, dimana musim puncak bulan
November ? Februari, musim sedang bulan Maret ? Juli, dan musim paceklik
bulan Agustus ? Oktober. Sementara analisis A?WOT menghasilkan strategi
peningkatan produksi tangkapan utama, optimalisasi armada penangkapan ikan
dalam mendukung industrialisasi dan minapolitan, serta peningkatan fasilitas dan
pelayanan PPI Karangsong.
ABSTRACTSharks are the top predators in the marine food chain, so that extractively shark
fishing is feared to cause the threat scarcity of fish. The purposes of this study are
(a) describe the technology of fishing shark that is used in Indramayu; (b) analyze
the growth of sharks that were caught; (c) examine the trend of CPUE of sharks;
and (d) determine a number options for actions of shark fishing sustainability
management. Technical analysis reveal that shark fishing by Indramayu?s
fishermen that use millennium gillnet which is a modification fishing gear of
gillnet. Growth analysis produces a correlation between the length and weight of
the sharks that is negative allometric, which means the growth in length of sharks
is more dominant than the grow thin weight. CPUE analysis reveal that the trend
always increase, where the top season on November to February, the medium
season on March to July, and the lack season on August to October. While the
A?WOT analysis increasing of main fishing,the optimization of the fishing vessel
to support industrialization and minapolitan, and increasing of facility and
services in the PPI Karangsong.;Sharks are the top predators in the marine food chain, so that extractively shark
fishing is feared to cause the threat scarcity of fish. The purposes of this study are
(a) describe the technology of fishing shark that is used in Indramayu; (b) analyze
the growth of sharks that were caught; (c) examine the trend of CPUE of sharks;
and (d) determine a number options for actions of shark fishing sustainability
management. Technical analysis reveal that shark fishing by Indramayu?s
fishermen that use millennium gillnet which is a modification fishing gear of
gillnet. Growth analysis produces a correlation between the length and weight of
the sharks that is negative allometric, which means the growth in length of sharks
is more dominant than the grow thin weight. CPUE analysis reveal that the trend
always increase, where the top season on November to February, the medium
season on March to July, and the lack season on August to October. While the
A?WOT analysis increasing of main fishing,the optimization of the fishing vessel
to support industrialization and minapolitan, and increasing of facility and
services in the PPI Karangsong., Sharks are the top predators in the marine food chain, so that extractively shark
fishing is feared to cause the threat scarcity of fish. The purposes of this study are
(a) describe the technology of fishing shark that is used in Indramayu; (b) analyze
the growth of sharks that were caught; (c) examine the trend of CPUE of sharks;
and (d) determine a number options for actions of shark fishing sustainability
management. Technical analysis reveal that shark fishing by Indramayu?s
fishermen that use millennium gillnet which is a modification fishing gear of
gillnet. Growth analysis produces a correlation between the length and weight of
the sharks that is negative allometric, which means the growth in length of sharks
is more dominant than the grow thin weight. CPUE analysis reveal that the trend
always increase, where the top season on November to February, the medium
season on March to July, and the lack season on August to October. While the
A?WOT analysis increasing of main fishing,the optimization of the fishing vessel
to support industrialization and minapolitan, and increasing of facility and
services in the PPI Karangsong.]