ABSTRAKTempat Spa adalah suatu usaha komersial yang menyediakan berbagai
macam fasilitas yang mengandung unsur hiburan, rekreasi, dan penyediaan jasa
lainya seperti makanan,minuman, relaksasi, pijit dan lainnya. Dalam
perkembangannya sejumlah tempat Spa di Kota Jakarta telah disalahgunakan
keberadaannya oleh pengelola dan semua yang terkait didalamnya yang
menjadikan tempat tersebut media prostitusi terselubung. Aturan terhadap
perbuatan tersebut jelas dalam KUHP khususnya Pasal 296 KUH Pidana serta
Peraturan Daerah Kota Jakarta Peraturan Daerah (Perda) No. 10 tahun 2004
tentang Kepariwisataan. Kejahatan kesusilaan yang terjadi di tempat Spa yang
pada prakteknya terjadi prostitusi belum diatur khusus dalam suatu perundangundangan,
sehingga menimbulkan kesulitan dalam menerapkan sanksi di dalam
KUHP. Kesulitan ini muncul tidak hanya secara teoritis tetapi juga dalam segi
praktis, aparat penegak hukum kesulitan menentukan pasal 296 dari KUH Pidana
yang hendak dipergunakan serta kepada siapa hal tersebut dijatuhkan, apakah
terhadap gerrmo/mami ataukah terhadap si pemilik/pengelola tempat Spa yang
bersangkutan, mengingat keberadaan tempat Spa yang menyediakan jasa terapis
selalu termanage dengan baik oleh oknum tertentu. Hasil penelitian menunjukan
bahwa tempat karaoke di Kota Jakarta yang menyediakan jasa terapis seringkali
menjadi ajang prostitusi, penerapan Pasal 296 yang mengaturpun tidak efektif dan
selalu terhambat dalam penegakannya, begitupun dengan Peraturan Daerah
(Perda) No. 10 tahun 2004 tentang Kepariwisataan juga tidak efektif jika
pemilik/pengelola terbukti melanggar hal tersebut. Kota Jakarta juga menerima
Pendapatan Asli Daerah yang cukup besar pertahun dari pajak tempat Spa yang
ada di seluruh kota-kota di Indonesia.
ABSTRACTSpa service is a commercial venture that provides a wide range of facilities
that contain elements of entertainment, recreation, and the provision of other
services such as food, drinks, relaxation, massage and other. Spa in Jakarta has
been misused by managers and all those involved in it that make the place as
veiled prostitution. Actually there has been a rule on the act in the Criminal Code,
Article 296 of the Criminal Code and Local Regulations Jakarta No. 10 of 2004.
A morality crime that occurred in the Spa that leads to a veiled prostitution is not
regulated in a specific law, causing difficulties in applying sanctions in the
Criminal Code. Police difficult to determining Article 296 of the Criminal Code
to be used and to whom it is imposed, if the procurer / pimp or to the owner /
manager. The results showed that the spa in Jakarta was also providing services
that lead to prostitution, the application of Article 296 that regulate is not effective
and have problems in enforcement. Besides that, Jakarta government also received
huge source revenue each year from the places of entertainment tax.;Spa service is a commercial venture that provides a wide range of facilities
that contain elements of entertainment, recreation, and the provision of other
services such as food, drinks, relaxation, massage and other. Spa in Jakarta has
been misused by managers and all those involved in it that make the place as
veiled prostitution. Actually there has been a rule on the act in the Criminal Code,
Article 296 of the Criminal Code and Local Regulations Jakarta No. 10 of 2004.
A morality crime that occurred in the Spa that leads to a veiled prostitution is not
regulated in a specific law, causing difficulties in applying sanctions in the
Criminal Code. Police difficult to determining Article 296 of the Criminal Code
to be used and to whom it is imposed, if the procurer / pimp or to the owner /
manager. The results showed that the spa in Jakarta was also providing services
that lead to prostitution, the application of Article 296 that regulate is not effective
and have problems in enforcement. Besides that, Jakarta government also received
huge source revenue each year from the places of entertainment tax., Spa service is a commercial venture that provides a wide range of facilities
that contain elements of entertainment, recreation, and the provision of other
services such as food, drinks, relaxation, massage and other. Spa in Jakarta has
been misused by managers and all those involved in it that make the place as
veiled prostitution. Actually there has been a rule on the act in the Criminal Code,
Article 296 of the Criminal Code and Local Regulations Jakarta No. 10 of 2004.
A morality crime that occurred in the Spa that leads to a veiled prostitution is not
regulated in a specific law, causing difficulties in applying sanctions in the
Criminal Code. Police difficult to determining Article 296 of the Criminal Code
to be used and to whom it is imposed, if the procurer / pimp or to the owner /
manager. The results showed that the spa in Jakarta was also providing services
that lead to prostitution, the application of Article 296 that regulate is not effective
and have problems in enforcement. Besides that, Jakarta government also received
huge source revenue each year from the places of entertainment tax.]