ABSTRAKPengertian mutu dalam konteks industri jasa konstruksi dapat didefinisikan
melalui berbagai pendekatan, tetapi pada prinsipnya adalah conformance to
requirement, yaitu hasil yang dikerjakan sesuai dengan apa yang disyaratkan.
Dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor apa saja yang
berpengaruh terhadap pencapaian mutu pekerjaan konstruksi dermaga yang
dikerjakan oleh kontraktor khususnya sesuai dengan standard sistem manajemen
mutu ISO 9001:2008. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan mengumpulkan data
melalui survey kuesioner dan kemudian data diolah dengan metode statistik
dengan menggunakan analisis korelasi dan analisis regresi serta uji model dengan
bantuan program SPSS 21.0. Hasil penelitian akan menunjukkan hubungan antara
variabel bebas yaitu faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penerapan sistem
manajemen mutu pada pelaksanaan konstruksi dermaga oleh kontraktor (X),
terhadap pencapaian mutu proyek dermaga (Y), dan selanjutnya mengidentifikasi
peristiwa yang terkait dengan penerapan sistem manajemen mutu oleh kontraktor
pelaksana konstruksi dermaga.
ABSTRACTThe definition of quality in the context of the construction industry can be defined
through a variety of approaches, but the principle is conformance to requirements,
which results done in accordance with what is required. In this study aims to
identify the factors that influence the achievement of the quality of the pier
construction work done by a contractor, especially in accordance with the
standards of ISO 9001:2008 quality management system. The research was
conducted by collecting data through a survey questionnaire and then the data is
processed by the statistical method by using correlation analysis and regression
analysis and model test with SPSS 21.0. The results of the study will show the
relationship between the independent variables that affect the implementation of
quality management systems in the construction dock by the contractors (X), to
the achievement of the quality of the pier project (Y), and further identify the
occurence associated with the implementation of quality management system by
the contractors.;The definition of quality in the context of the construction industry can be defined
through a variety of approaches, but the principle is conformance to requirements,
which results done in accordance with what is required. In this study aims to
identify the factors that influence the achievement of the quality of the pier
construction work done by a contractor, especially in accordance with the
standards of ISO 9001:2008 quality management system. The research was
conducted by collecting data through a survey questionnaire and then the data is
processed by the statistical method by using correlation analysis and regression
analysis and model test with SPSS 21.0. The results of the study will show the
relationship between the independent variables that affect the implementation of
quality management systems in the construction dock by the contractors (X), to
the achievement of the quality of the pier project (Y), and further identify the
occurence associated with the implementation of quality management system by
the contractors., The definition of quality in the context of the construction industry can be defined
through a variety of approaches, but the principle is conformance to requirements,
which results done in accordance with what is required. In this study aims to
identify the factors that influence the achievement of the quality of the pier
construction work done by a contractor, especially in accordance with the
standards of ISO 9001:2008 quality management system. The research was
conducted by collecting data through a survey questionnaire and then the data is
processed by the statistical method by using correlation analysis and regression
analysis and model test with SPSS 21.0. The results of the study will show the
relationship between the independent variables that affect the implementation of
quality management systems in the construction dock by the contractors (X), to
the achievement of the quality of the pier project (Y), and further identify the
occurence associated with the implementation of quality management system by
the contractors.]