UI - Tesis Membership :: Kembali

UI - Tesis Membership :: Kembali

Keberhasilan intelijen dalam aktivitas penggalangan terhadap mahasiswa pada peristiwa malari = The success of intelligence in penggalangan activities against student in malari event

Tambunan, Fernando Pardamean Maruli Tua; Dadi Susanto, supervisor; Budiarto Shambazy, examiner (Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014)


Intelijen secara umum berfungsi sebagai alat untuk penuntun dalam membuat sebuah kebijakan dimana memberikan informasi mengenai niat (intention) dan kapabilitas (capabilities) dari berbagai pelaku aktor sosial. aktor sosial yang dapat berasal dari politik, ekonomi, militer, perusahaan multinasional, pelaku kriminal dan organisasi teroris. Sehingga mendapatkan tujuan yang paling mendasar adalah mengidentifikasi ancaman terhadap keamanan dan juga peluang terhadap kegiatan politik. Kemudian fungsi kedua adalah tidak hanya sebagai penuntun untuk pengambilan keputusan, tetapi juga sebagai alat untuk mengimplementasikan kebijakan. Pada fungsi ini intelijen lebih dari pada sebuah panduan untuk menggunakan kekuasaan, tetapi juga merupakan instrumen yang berguna dalam menjalankan kekuasaan.
Kegiatan Intelijen pada masa orde baru sebelum terjadinya peristiwa malari berpusat kepada tiga kekuatan organisasi intelijen, yaitu Kopkamtib, Bakin, dan Aspri sebagai pelaksana operasi khusus (Opsus). Di dalam penelitian ini penulis membuktikan bahwa keberhasilan intelijen terjadi dengan melihat unsur organisasi, pengambil keputusan (dalam hal ini Presiden), analisis yang menghasilkan warning information, dan juga dimensi politik. Keseluruhan unsur ini dipenuhi dengan menjalankan fungsi intelijen yaitu penggalangan dan pengamanan. Kegiatan penggalangan akan mendukung kegiatan pengamanan untuk menetralisir setiap ancaman dengan melakukan sebuah cipta kondisi untuk mempersalahkan para demonstran agar dapat ditangkap. Dan juga sebagai pendukung pemerintah dalam memberikan kebijakan-kebijakan yang bersifat represif.

Intelligence in a generally serves as a tool to guide in creating a policy which provides information about intention and capabilities of various social actors. Social actors that can derived from the political, economic, military, multinational corporation, criminals and terrorist organization thus getting the most fundamental purpose is identifying threat to the national security and also opportunities to political activity. Then the second function not only as a guide for decision-making, but also as a tool to implement the policy. It does than a guide to use power, but be an instrument for running the power either.
Intelligence activities in the new order centered by three forces organization, they are Kopkamtib (Komando Pemulihan Keamanan dan Ketertiban), Bakin (Badan Koordinasi Intelijen), and Aspri (Asisten pribadi) for President as a executor of Special Operation. In this research author proves that the success of intelligence going on by looking at the elements of the organization, the decision maker (in this case the President), the analysis of which generates warning information, and also a political dimension. The overall of these elements is filled by carry out the intelligence functions that is penggalangan and pengamanan. Penggalangan activities will support the activities of pengamanan to neutralize any threat by do a conditioning to blame the demonstrators to be arrested. Thus supporting government for their repressive policy.;Intelligence in a generally serves as a tool to guide in creating a policy which provides information about intention and capabilities of various social actors. Social actors that can derived from the political, economic, military, multinational corporation, criminals and terrorist organization thus getting the most fundamental purpose is identifying threat to the national security and also opportunities to political activity. Then the second function not only as a guide for decision-making, but also as a tool to implement the policy. It does than a guide to use power, but be an instrument for running the power either.
Intelligence activities in the new order centered by three forces organization, they are Kopkamtib (Komando Pemulihan Keamanan dan Ketertiban), Bakin (Badan Koordinasi Intelijen), and Aspri (Asisten pribadi) for President as a executor of Special Operation. In this research author proves that the success of intelligence going on by looking at the elements of the organization, the decision maker (in this case the President), the analysis of which generates warning information, and also a political dimension. The overall of these elements is filled by carry out the intelligence functions that is penggalangan and pengamanan. Penggalangan activities will support the activities of pengamanan to neutralize any threat by do a conditioning to blame the demonstrators to be arrested. Thus supporting government for their repressive policy., Intelligence in a generally serves as a tool to guide in creating a policy which provides information about intention and capabilities of various social actors. Social actors that can derived from the political, economic, military, multinational corporation, criminals and terrorist organization thus getting the most fundamental purpose is identifying threat to the national security and also opportunities to political activity. Then the second function not only as a guide for decision-making, but also as a tool to implement the policy. It does than a guide to use power, but be an instrument for running the power either.
Intelligence activities in the new order centered by three forces organization, they are Kopkamtib (Komando Pemulihan Keamanan dan Ketertiban), Bakin (Badan Koordinasi Intelijen), and Aspri (Asisten pribadi) for President as a executor of Special Operation. In this research author proves that the success of intelligence going on by looking at the elements of the organization, the decision maker (in this case the President), the analysis of which generates warning information, and also a political dimension. The overall of these elements is filled by carry out the intelligence functions that is penggalangan and pengamanan. Penggalangan activities will support the activities of pengamanan to neutralize any threat by do a conditioning to blame the demonstrators to be arrested. Thus supporting government for their repressive policy.]

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Jenis Koleksi : UI - Tesis Membership
No. Panggil : T-Pdf
Entri utama-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama badan :
Program Studi :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : computer
Tipe Carrier : online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : xiv, 132 pages : illustration ; 28 cm + appendix
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI
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T-Pdf 15-17-518872763 TERSEDIA
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