ABSTRAKMenurut teori mikroekonomi, risk aversion dapat menghalangi seseorang
membuat keputusan yang optimal dalam situasi yang beresiko. Jika seseorang percaya
bahwa menjadi wira usaha memiliki resiko lebih tinggi daripada menjadi karyawan, maka
dalam derajat risk aversion tertentu, orang tersebut tidak akan menjadi wira usaha,
meskipun memiliki potensi yang cukup. Dalam situasi seperti ini, asuransi dapat
membantu meningkatkan jumlah wira usaha baru. Penelitian ini menggunakan data
tingkat keluarga dari Panel Study of Income Dynamics, dan sebagai institusi asuransi,
digunakan kode kepailitan (Bankruptcy Code) Amerika Serikat, spesifiknya,
pengecualian aset rumah (Homestead Exemption). Hasilnya adalah, peningkatan
pengecualian aset rumah sebesar sepuluh poin persentase meningkatkan kemungkinan
kepemilikan bisnis sebesar 1.5 poin persentase, setelah tahun 2005. Penelitian ini juga
menemukan bahwa efek tersebut hanya terjadi pada bisnis berbadan hukum korporasi
(Incorporated Business).
ABSTRACTMicroeconomic theory suggests that risk aversion may result in people to take
less optimal decision in a situation associated with risk. If people believe that being selfemployed
is riskier than being wage-employed, then at some point, risk averse wageemployed
won?t become self-employed even if it is optimal to do so. In this case,
introducing some sort of insurance scheme may increase people?s participation in selfemployment
activity. I use the family level data from Panel Study of Income Dynamics,
and I exploit provisions in the United States? bankruptcy code, specifically the homestead
exemption level, as the insurance institution. I find that the increase of exemption level by
ten percentage point increases the probability of owning a business by 1.5 percentage
points, after the year 2005. I also find that the effect is explained by the incorporated
business.;Microeconomic theory suggests that risk aversion may result in people to take
less optimal decision in a situation associated with risk. If people believe that being selfemployed
is riskier than being wage-employed, then at some point, risk averse wageemployed
won’t become self-employed even if it is optimal to do so. In this case,
introducing some sort of insurance scheme may increase people’s participation in selfemployment
activity. I use the family level data from Panel Study of Income Dynamics,
and I exploit provisions in the United States’ bankruptcy code, specifically the homestead
exemption level, as the insurance institution. I find that the increase of exemption level by
ten percentage point increases the probability of owning a business by 1.5 percentage
points, after the year 2005. I also find that the effect is explained by the incorporated
business., Microeconomic theory suggests that risk aversion may result in people to take
less optimal decision in a situation associated with risk. If people believe that being selfemployed
is riskier than being wage-employed, then at some point, risk averse wageemployed
won’t become self-employed even if it is optimal to do so. In this case,
introducing some sort of insurance scheme may increase people’s participation in selfemployment
activity. I use the family level data from Panel Study of Income Dynamics,
and I exploit provisions in the United States’ bankruptcy code, specifically the homestead
exemption level, as the insurance institution. I find that the increase of exemption level by
ten percentage point increases the probability of owning a business by 1.5 percentage
points, after the year 2005. I also find that the effect is explained by the incorporated