ABSTRAKDalam rangka merealisasi pertumbuhan ekonomi agar meningkatkan daya
serap tenaga kerja dan kesejahteraan masyarakat, telah terjadi peningkatan
kegiatan industri. Peningkatan kegiatan industri yang mengandalkan energi fosil
dalam jangka panjang dapat memicu kontribusi emisi semakin tinggi yang tidak
diperhitungan melalui pasar produsen dan konsumen. Perlu upaya pemerintah
agar terjadi transformasi pergeseran dari industri tinggi karbon (high carbon
industries) ke aktivitas industri ke arah resoruces efficiency dan mendorong
penggunaan sumber energi baru terbarukan menuju industri rendah karbon (low
carbon industries).
Seperti yang terjadi di berbagai Negara, untuk mendorong
investasi dan kegiatan di sektor industri rendah karbon, Pemerintah memberikan
berbagai insentif pajak. Namun berbagai insentif yang secara fiscal juga
merupakan subsidi pemerintah melalui pengorbanan penerimaan pajak tersebut,
dirasakan belum cukup efektif. Disertasi ini bertujuan merekonstruksi kebijakan
insentif pajak untuk mendorong industri rendah karbon. Analisa hasil penelitian
dimaksudkan untuk menggambarkan dan mengevaluasi kondisi kebijakan insentif
pajak saat ini, menganalisa faktor-faktor penghambat dan kelemahan instrumen
kebijakan insentif pajak serta mengusulkan desain rekonstruksi kebijakan insentif
pajak yang dapat dibangun menuju industri rendah karbon di Indonesia.
ini menggunakan paradigma kronstruktivisme dan menggunakan qualitatif system
Hasil evaluasi menunjukan insentif pajak masih diberikan secara parsial,
tersebar, serta belum terfokus pada upaya penurunan emisi gas rumah kaca (GRK)
pada sektor industri sehingga kebijakan insentif pajak dinilai masih belum efektif.
Berdasarkan lima kriteria prinsip perpajakan yang ideal menunjukkan bahwa
administrasi pelaksanaan pemberian insentif pajak tidak sederhana. Insentif pajak
tidak bersifat netral dan tidak menarik industri karena tidak ekonomis. Peraturan
pajak yang tidak transparan dan birokrasi pemerintah telah menghambat sehingga
implementasinya masih sulit. Hambatan dan kelemahan pemberian insentif pajak
yaitu kurangnya koordinasi para implementor kebijakan, pengukuran insentif yang
belum optimal, tidak adanya blueprint pengembangan industri, dan kebijakan
yang tidak memihak industri dalam negeri dan industri kecil. Desain rekonstruksi
kebijakan insentif pajak yang diusulkan harus mempertimbangkan empat aspek
yaitu prinsip pemberian insentif pajak, bentuk insentif pajak, manfaat insentif
pajak dan syarat pemberian insentif pajak. Desain rekonstruksi insentif pajak yang
ditawarkan diyakini dapat menjadi kunci untuk mendorong perubahan perilaku
industri ke arah efisiensi energi dan beralih ke energi baru terbarukan untuk
mendorong industri rendah karbon dan menghasilkan keunggulan kompetitif.;
ABSTRACTTo realize the economic growth that absorpt of labor and improve the
welfare society there has been an increase in industrial activities.The increase of
industrial activities which still rely on fossil fuels in the long term can lead to
higher emission contribution. This emission is not calculated in producer and
consumer markets.It should be the government's efforts to transform high-carbon
industries to resources efficiency of industrial activity. The government also
should encourage the use of renewable energy sources towards low carbon
industries. In many countries, to encourage investment and activities at low
carbon industries, the goverment provide the tax incentives. However various
fiscal incentives which are also a government subsidy through the sacrifice of the
tax revenue, is not effective. This research is aimed to analize why the
reconstruction design of tax incentives policies is needed that would lead to lowcarbon
This research applies qualitative system dynamics and Nvivo.
The evaluation result show that the tax incentives schemes are granted
partial, scattered, and have not focused on efforts to reduce green house gases
(GHG) emissions in the industrial sectors thus tax incentive policies have not
been effective.The evaluation results based on five ideal principles of taxation
show that the tax administration implementation are not simple. In addition, tax
incentives are not neutral and not efficient. Further, tax rules are not transparent
and the government bureaucracy implementation is still complicated. Barriers
and weaknesses of the tax incentives are caused by firstly, lack of coordination
among the policy implementor, secondly, insentives measurements are not
optimal, thirdly, lack of industrial development blueprint and lastly, policies tend
to be pro-capitalist. The reconstruction of proposed tax incentive policies have to
consider four aspects which consists of the principle of grant, the type, the benefit
and the terms of tax incentives. Reconstruction design of tax incentives offered is
believed to be the key driving to change industry behavior towards energy
efficiency, switching the use of conventional energy toward renewable energy,
encouraging low-carbon industries and generating competitive advantage.;To realize the economic growth that absorpt of labor and improve the
welfare society there has been an increase in industrial activities.The increase of
industrial activities which still rely on fossil fuels in the long term can lead to
higher emission contribution. This emission is not calculated in producer and
consumer markets.It should be the government's efforts to transform high-carbon
industries to resources efficiency of industrial activity. The government also
should encourage the use of renewable energy sources towards low carbon
industries. In many countries, to encourage investment and activities at low
carbon industries, the goverment provide the tax incentives. However various
fiscal incentives which are also a government subsidy through the sacrifice of the
tax revenue, is not effective. This research is aimed to analize why the
reconstruction design of tax incentives policies is needed that would lead to lowcarbon
industries. This research applies qualitative system dynamics and Nvivo.
The evaluation result show that the tax incentives schemes are granted
partial, scattered, and have not focused on efforts to reduce green house gases
(GHG) emissions in the industrial sectors thus tax incentive policies have not
been effective.The evaluation results based on five ideal principles of taxation
show that the tax administration implementation are not simple. In addition, tax
incentives are not neutral and not efficient. Further, tax rules are not transparent
and the government bureaucracy implementation is still complicated. Barriers
and weaknesses of the tax incentives are caused by firstly, lack of coordination
among the policy implementor, secondly, insentives measurements are not
optimal, thirdly, lack of industrial development blueprint and lastly, policies tend
to be pro-capitalist. The reconstruction of proposed tax incentive policies have to
consider four aspects which consists of the principle of grant, the type, the benefit
and the terms of tax incentives. Reconstruction design of tax incentives offered is
believed to be the key driving to change industry behavior towards energy
efficiency, switching the use of conventional energy toward renewable energy,
encouraging low-carbon industries and generating competitive advantage., To realize the economic growth that absorpt of labor and improve the
welfare society there has been an increase in industrial activities.The increase of
industrial activities which still rely on fossil fuels in the long term can lead to
higher emission contribution. This emission is not calculated in producer and
consumer markets.It should be the government's efforts to transform high-carbon
industries to resources efficiency of industrial activity. The government also
should encourage the use of renewable energy sources towards low carbon
industries. In many countries, to encourage investment and activities at low
carbon industries, the goverment provide the tax incentives. However various
fiscal incentives which are also a government subsidy through the sacrifice of the
tax revenue, is not effective. This research is aimed to analize why the
reconstruction design of tax incentives policies is needed that would lead to lowcarbon
industries. This research applies qualitative system dynamics and Nvivo.
The evaluation result show that the tax incentives schemes are granted
partial, scattered, and have not focused on efforts to reduce green house gases
(GHG) emissions in the industrial sectors thus tax incentive policies have not
been effective.The evaluation results based on five ideal principles of taxation
show that the tax administration implementation are not simple. In addition, tax
incentives are not neutral and not efficient. Further, tax rules are not transparent
and the government bureaucracy implementation is still complicated. Barriers
and weaknesses of the tax incentives are caused by firstly, lack of coordination
among the policy implementor, secondly, insentives measurements are not
optimal, thirdly, lack of industrial development blueprint and lastly, policies tend
to be pro-capitalist. The reconstruction of proposed tax incentive policies have to
consider four aspects which consists of the principle of grant, the type, the benefit
and the terms of tax incentives. Reconstruction design of tax incentives offered is
believed to be the key driving to change industry behavior towards energy
efficiency, switching the use of conventional energy toward renewable energy,
encouraging low-carbon industries and generating competitive advantage.]