[Dispepsia merupakan sindrom penyakit pada regio gastroduodenal yang berpengaruh
besar terhadap kualitas hidup penderitanya baik secara fisik maupun mental. Berbagai
terapi farmakologis telah dikembangkan, namun efektivitasnya masih belum
maksimal. Akupunktur merupakan salah satu modalitas terapi yang telah terbukti
efektif dalam mengatasi gejala-gejala dispepsia. Elektroakupunktur (EA) pada titik
ST 36 Zusanli merupakan metode perangsangan dan titik akupunktur yang paling
sering digunakan dalam penelitian untuk mengatasi masalah lambung melalui
mekanisme yang melibatkan nitrit oksida (NO). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mengetahui efektivitas metode terapi elektroakupunktur dibandingkan dengan
akupunktur manual pada ST 36 Zusanli terhadap peningkatan kadar NO serum pada
penderita dispepsia. Uji klinis acak tersamar ganda dengan pembanding dilakukan
terhadap 40 pasien dispepsia yang dibagi ke dalam kelompok elektroakupunktur (EA)
dan kelompok akupunktur manual (AM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat
perbedaan bermakna rerata peningkatan kadar NO serum pada kelompok
elektroakupunktur dibandingkan dengan kelompok akupunktur manual (p = 0,026).
Kesimpulan penelitian ini yaitu tindakan elektroakupunktur pada ST 36 Zusanli lebih
efektif meningkatkan kadar NO serum dibandingkan tindakan akupunktur manual
pada pasien dispepsia (p < 0,05).;Dyspepsia is a syndrome in gastroduodenal region which affect the quality of life ofpatients both physically and mentally Various pharmacological therapies have beendeveloped but its effectiveness is unsatisfying Acupuncture is a modality that hasbeen proven effective in addressing the symptoms of dyspepsia Electroacupuncture EA at ST 36 Zusanli is the method of stimulation and acupuncture points whichmost frequently used in research to overcome the problem of the stomach through amechanism involving nitric oxide NO The aim of this study was to determine theeffectiveness of electroacupuncture treatment method compared to manualacupuncture at ST 36 Zusanli to increase serum levels of NO in patients withdyspepsia A double blind randomized controlled trial involved 40 patients withdyspepsia randomly allocated into groups of electroacupuncture EA and manualacupuncture MA The results showed there were significant differences in themean serum levels of NO in the EA group compared to the MA group p 0 026 The results suggested that electroacupuncture at ST 36 Zusanli is more effectivethan manual acupuncture in increasing the serum levels of NO in patients withdyspepsia p 0 05 ;Dyspepsia is a syndrome in gastroduodenal region which affect the quality of life ofpatients both physically and mentally Various pharmacological therapies have beendeveloped but its effectiveness is unsatisfying Acupuncture is a modality that hasbeen proven effective in addressing the symptoms of dyspepsia Electroacupuncture EA at ST 36 Zusanli is the method of stimulation and acupuncture points whichmost frequently used in research to overcome the problem of the stomach through amechanism involving nitric oxide NO The aim of this study was to determine theeffectiveness of electroacupuncture treatment method compared to manualacupuncture at ST 36 Zusanli to increase serum levels of NO in patients withdyspepsia A double blind randomized controlled trial involved 40 patients withdyspepsia randomly allocated into groups of electroacupuncture EA and manualacupuncture MA The results showed there were significant differences in themean serum levels of NO in the EA group compared to the MA group p 0 026 The results suggested that electroacupuncture at ST 36 Zusanli is more effectivethan manual acupuncture in increasing the serum levels of NO in patients withdyspepsia p 0 05 , Dyspepsia is a syndrome in gastroduodenal region which affect the quality of life ofpatients both physically and mentally Various pharmacological therapies have beendeveloped but its effectiveness is unsatisfying Acupuncture is a modality that hasbeen proven effective in addressing the symptoms of dyspepsia Electroacupuncture EA at ST 36 Zusanli is the method of stimulation and acupuncture points whichmost frequently used in research to overcome the problem of the stomach through amechanism involving nitric oxide NO The aim of this study was to determine theeffectiveness of electroacupuncture treatment method compared to manualacupuncture at ST 36 Zusanli to increase serum levels of NO in patients withdyspepsia A double blind randomized controlled trial involved 40 patients withdyspepsia randomly allocated into groups of electroacupuncture EA and manualacupuncture MA The results showed there were significant differences in themean serum levels of NO in the EA group compared to the MA group p 0 026 The results suggested that electroacupuncture at ST 36 Zusanli is more effectivethan manual acupuncture in increasing the serum levels of NO in patients withdyspepsia p 0 05 ]