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UI - Tugas Akhir :: Kembali

Studi Eksperimental Toksisitas Pajanan Toluena pada Serebelum Tikus = Experimental Study Of Toxicity With Toluene Exposure in Rat Cerebellum

Lucas Nurcahyo; Fikry Effendi, supervisor; Ahmad Aulia Jusuf, examiner (Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014)


[Latar belakang : Toluena merupakan zat pelarut sering digunakan di berbagai
industri seperti dalam pembuatan cat, lem dan lainnya. Toluena mempunyai sifat
lipofilik dan memberikan efek toksik ke beberapa organ seperti sistem saraf pusat.
Pada tahap biomolekuler, toluena merubah struktur lipid pada membran sel,
sehingga terjadi peningkatan kadar MDA plasma dan jaringan. Pada Sistem Saraf
Pusat, toluena bisa melewati sawar otak dan menyebabkan gangguan pada
serebelum otak sehingga dapat meningkatkan kadar MDA serta terjadi perubahan
struktur pada dinding sel astrosit.
Metode : Untuk mengetahui efek pajanan toluena selama 14 hari dengan dosis
dibawah nilai ambang pada organ serebelum otak, dan dilakukan pemeriksaan
kadar MDA serebelum otak, serta kerusakan dari sel Astrosit, menggunakan lima
kelompok tikus jenis Wistar jantan dengan pajanan sebesar 1,6 ml; 3,2 ml; 6,4
ml; 12,8 ml; dan kelompok kontrol tanpa pajanan.
Hasil: Analisis uji nilai kadar MDA serebelum otak menggunakan One Way
Anova dengan hasil tidak ada perbedaan rerata (p=0.133) antar kelompok pajanan
dengan kelompok kontrol, dan analisis jumlah sel Astrosit dengan menggunakan
One Way Anova didapatkan (p=0,310) dengan hasil tidak ada perbedaan antar
kelompok pajanan.
Kesimpulan : Tidak ada perbedaan rerata pada kelompok pajanan pada nilai MDA
serebelum Otak maupun jumlah Sel Astrosit yang terpajan toluena dengan dosis
dibawah nilai ambang.

Backgrounds : Toluene is a solvent commonly used in various industries such as
in the manufacture of paint, glue and others. Toluene has lipophilic properties and
toxic effects to some organs such as the central nervous system. At this stage of
biomolecular, toluene alters the structure of the lipids in cell membranes, resulting
in an increased of plasma and tissue levels of MDA. In the Central Nervous
System, toluene can cross the blood brain barrier and cause a disruption in the
cerebellum of the brain, thereby increasing the levels of MDA and structural
changes in the structure of astrocytes’ cells.
Methods : To determine the effect of toluene exposure for 14 days at doses below
the threshold value on the organ brain cerebellum and cerebellar MDA
examination of the brain, as well as causing damage to Astrocytes cells, using five
groups of male Wistar rats with four types of exposure of 1.6 ml; 3.2 ml; 6.4 ml;
12.8 ml; and a control group without exposure.
Results : MDA value analysis test brain cerebellum using One Way Anova
showed no significance mean difference (p = 0.133) between the exposed group
and the control group. From the analysis of the number of cells Astrocytes using
One Way Anova that obtained (p = 0.310) with no difference in outcomes among
exposed groups.
Conclusion : There was no significance difference in the group mean exposure to
MDA values and the number of cells of the cerebellum Brain Astrocytes exposed
to toluene at a dose below the threshold value, Backgrounds : Toluene is a solvent commonly used in various industries such as
in the manufacture of paint, glue and others. Toluene has lipophilic properties and
toxic effects to some organs such as the central nervous system. At this stage of
biomolecular, toluene alters the structure of the lipids in cell membranes, resulting
in an increased of plasma and tissue levels of MDA. In the Central Nervous
System, toluene can cross the blood brain barrier and cause a disruption in the
cerebellum of the brain, thereby increasing the levels of MDA and structural
changes in the structure of astrocytes’ cells.
Methods : To determine the effect of toluene exposure for 14 days at doses below
the threshold value on the organ brain cerebellum and cerebellar MDA
examination of the brain, as well as causing damage to Astrocytes cells, using five
groups of male Wistar rats with four types of exposure of 1.6 ml; 3.2 ml; 6.4 ml;
12.8 ml; and a control group without exposure.
Results : MDA value analysis test brain cerebellum using One Way Anova
showed no significance mean difference (p = 0.133) between the exposed group
and the control group. From the analysis of the number of cells Astrocytes using
One Way Anova that obtained (p = 0.310) with no difference in outcomes among
exposed groups.
Conclusion : There was no significance difference in the group mean exposure to
MDA values and the number of cells of the cerebellum Brain Astrocytes exposed
to toluene at a dose below the threshold value]

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Jenis Koleksi : UI - Tugas Akhir
No. Panggil : SP-pdf
Entri utama-Nama orang :
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Program Studi :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : computer
Tipe Carrier : online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : xiii, 35 pages ; illustration ; 28 cm + appendix
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI
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