Malnutrisi sering pada karsinoma hepatoselular (KHS), diakibatkan oleh anoreksia, penurunan asupan serta keadaan katabolik. Serial kasus bertujuan memberikan terapi gizi guna proses penyembuhan dan memperbaiki kualitas hidup. Empat orang pasien berusia 42–67 tahun, dengan KHS, penurunan berat badan 14,3–29,6% selama dua bulan hingga satu tahun. Tiga orang pro reseksi dan satu orang mendapat terapi paliatif dengan kanker kaheksia. Pemberian nutrisi disesuaikan keadaan klinis. Kebutuhan kalori berdasarkan Harris-Benedict. Sebelum pembedahan kebutuhan kalori total tercapai Setelah pembedahan, toleransi asupan baik, nutrisi ditingkatkan bertahap. Saat pulang keadaan umum stabil, kapasitas fungsional membaik, luka operasi baik.
Malnutrition is common in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), caused by anorexia, decreased intake and catabolic state. The aim of this case series provide nutrition therapy to support the healing process and to improve quality of life. Patients were four people, age between 42–67 years, with HCC, weight loss 14,3–29,6 % for two months to one year. Three people with pro resection and one person had palliative therapy and cachexia cancer. Nutrition was given according to clinical state. Calorie requirement was based on Harris-Benedict. Total calorie needs was achieved prior to surgery, and good tolerance intake after surgery, nutrition enhanced gradually. Patients discharge from hospital with stable general condition, improved functional capacity, and good surgical wound healing.