Pasien pada serial kasus ini adalah empat pasien dewasa dengan luka bakar berat, masuk perawatan dalam kondisi resusitasi. Status nutrisi sebelum sakit adalah overweight dan satu pasien normoweight. Inisiasi nutrisi enteral dilakukan 15-39,5 jam pasca kejadian. Pemberian nutrisi dimulai dari hipokalori (<20 Kkal/kgBB/hari), ditingkatkan bertahap menuju kebutuhan energi total yang dihitung berdasarkan formula Xie dengan berat badan sebelum sakit. Selama perawatan di ICU, pasien mencapai kalori sebesar 60-96% KET, protein sebesar 0,6-1,9 g/kgBB/hari, komposisi lemak dan karbohidrat berturut-turut sebesar 15-25%, dan 50-64%. Jalur pemberian nutrisi parenteral dengan central venous cathether (CVC) sedangkan enteral dengan nasogastric tube (NGT) tetes lambat secara intermiten. Mikronutrien yang diberikan berupa multivitamin antioksidan, vitamin B kompleks dan asam folat. Pemantauan terapi nutrisi meliputi tanda klinis, toleransi asupan makanan, kapasitas fungsional, imbang cairan, parameter laboratorium dan antropometri. Pada kelompok survivor diberikan edukasi nutrisi terkait penyembuhan luka dan preservasi massa otot.
Patients in the case report were four adult patients with severe burns and admitted to the hospital under resuscitation conditions. Three patients were overweight and one was normoweight Enteral nutrition was initiated within 15–39.5 hours post injury. Nutrition administration began from hypocalory (<20 kcal/kg/day), then increased gradually to the total energy requirement using Xie formula based on the pre-illness weight. In the ICU, energy intake achieved 60-96% of total requirement, protein was 0.6 to 1.9 g/kgBW/day, fat, and carbohydrate were 15-25% and 50-64% respectively. Parenteral nutrition was given via central venous cathether while enteral nutrition was dripped intermittently. Micronutrients were given as multivitamin antioxidants, vitamin B complex, and folic acid. The survivors were given nutrition education related to wound healing and preservation of muscle mass.