[Pustekkom sebagai pengelola layanan TI di internal Kemdikbud bertugas untuk menjamin bahwa layanan TI yang disediakan cukup handal dan memadai untuk mendukung kelancaran aktifitas bisnis dari organisasi Kemdikbud. Kualitas layanan yang terjaga baik akan berdampak positif pada kelancaran operasi bisnis, dan pada akhirnya adalah ketercapaian visi, misi dan sasaran organisasi. Salah satu syarat utama agar tercipta layanan berkualitas adalah adanya keselarasan antara kebutuhan pengguna dan penyediaan layanan. Hal ini dibangun dari pemahaman akan kebutuhan tingkat layanan pada pengguna. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan kajian tentang bagaimana strategi untuk mengimplementasikan proses Service Level Management guna membangun kesepahaman akan kebutuhan layanan dalam operasional Jardiknas. CSI (Continual Service Improvement) model dari kerangka kerja ITIL v3 digunakan sebagai metodologi pendekatan permasalahan. Dari tahapan penilaian atas kondisi saat ini dan kondisi sasaran yang menggunakan acuan penilaian kematangan atribut proses dari Cobit diketahui bahwa kondisi kematangan atribut saat ini rata-rata pada tingkat dua sedangkan rata-rata kondisi kematangan sasaran atribut pada tingkat tiga. Dari kondisi yang ada maka direkomendasikan perbaikan dimulai dengan menjalin komunikasi dan survei ke pelanggan yang lebih intens agar kebutuhan layanan teridentifikasi dengan baik. Dokumentasi formal dalam semua aktifitas proses juga perlu dibuat.
Pustekkom, as the internal IT service provider of Ministry of Education and Culture must ensure that the IT services provided are reliable and capable enough in supporting business activities of the organization. The stability of good services will have positive impact on daily business operation, organization performance, and finally the achievement of the vision, mision, and target of the organization. The main prerequisite in establishment quality of IT services is to build common understanding about user requirements on the IT services provided. A research about implementation strategy of Service Level Management process was conducted with the purpose to build common understanding about requirements and provided IT services in daily operation of Jardiknas. CSI (Continual Service Improvement) from ITIL v3 framework was used as the methodology. From the maturity assessment on the level of process attribute, it was identified that the average values of current attributes maturity was two and the average values of expected attributes maturity was three. It is highly recommended for Pustekkom to set up the improvement process starting from identification of business requirement of IT services and developing documentation on process activities., Pustekkom, as the internal IT service provider of Ministry of Education and
Culture must ensure that the IT services provided are reliable and capable enough
in supporting business activities of the organization. The stability of good services
will have positive impact on daily business operation, organization performance,
and finally the achievement of the vision, mision, and target of the
organization. The main prerequisite in establishment quality of IT services is to
build common understanding about user requirements on the IT services
provided. A research about implementation strategy of Service Level
Management process was conducted with the purpose to build common
understanding about requirements and provided IT services in daily operation of
Jardiknas. CSI (Continual Service Improvement) from ITIL v3 framework was
used as the methodology. From the maturity assessment on the level of process
attribute, it was identified that the average values of current attributes maturity
was two and the average values of expected attributes maturity was three. It is
highly recommended for Pustekkom to set up the improvement process starting
from identification of business requirement of IT services and developing
documentation on process activities]