ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas karbamid peroksida 10% dan 15% dalam memutihkan gigi terdiskolorasi ekstrinsik oleh kopi. Tiga puluh dua gigi premolar manusia direndam dalam larutan kopi selama 8 hari untuk mendapatkan diskolorasi ekstrinsik kopi sebagai warna dasar. Pemutihan gigi dilakukan selama 14 hari. Warna diukur menggunakan sistem CIE dan sistem VITAPAN Classical. Dihasilkan kedua konsentrasi tersebut efektif dalammemutihkan gigi terdiskolorasi ekstrinsik kopi. Secara statistik tidak terbukti perbedaan efektivitas karbamid peroksida 10% dan 15% apabila diukur menggunakan sistem CIE. Namun pada hari ke-7 pengukuran dengan sistem VITAPAN Classical terdapat perbedaan efektivitas antara kedua konsentrasi tersebut.
ABSTRACTThis study was to determine the effectiveness of 10% and 15% carbamide peroxide against extrinsic discoloration by coffee. Thirty-two human premolar teeth were immersed into coffee solution for 8 days to obtain extrinsic discoloration as base colors. Whitening process had done for 14 days. Color was measured by CIE and VITAPAN Classical color systems. The results aproved that both concentrations were effective againstextrinsic tooth discoloration by coffee. There was nosignificant effectiveness difference between both concentration by CIE color system measurement. However on day 7 there was significant effectiveness difference between both concentration by VITAPAN Classical color system measurement.