ABSTRAKPenelitian ini ingin melihat perbedaan kualitas secure attachment ibu-anak antara
anak usia sekolah yang terpapar gadget sebelum usia dua tahun dan setelah tiga
tahun. Penelitian dilakukan pada 97 ibu yang memiliki anak berusia 6-8 tahun.
Kualitas attachment ibu-anak dilihat berdasarkan tingkat security yang diukur
menggunakan PCRI (Parent/Child Reunion Inventory). Peneliti juga menggunakan
kuesioner untuk mengetahui gambaran penggunaan gadget ibu dan anak dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kedua kelompok
dalam penelitian ini memiliki skor tingkat secure attachment yang tinggi. Meskipun
begitu, skor tingkat secure attachment pada kelompok anak usia sekolah yang
terpapar gadget sebelum usia dua tahun lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok anak
usia sekolah yang terpapar gadget setelah usia tiga tahun.
ABSTRACTThis study was conducted to see the differences of mother-child secure attachment
quality between school aged children who are exposed by gadget before the age of
two years old and after the age of three years old. The participants were 97 mothers of
children aged 6-8 years. The quality of mother-child attachment was measured by its
security degree using PCRI (Parent/Child Reunion Inventory). Researcher also used a
questionnaire to collect a general description of gadget usage by mother and children
in everyday activities. The results of this study showed that the score of mother-child
secure attachment degree in school aged children who are exposed by media before
the age of two years old was higher than children who are exposed by media after the
age of three years old. However, the two groups in this study still have a high score of
secure attachment degree.