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UI - Skripsi Membership :: Kembali

Gambaran persepsi kemampuan perawat dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan pada anak dengan gangguan spektrum autisme yang dirawat di rumah sakit = Self percieved nurses ability in providing nursing care in children with autism spectrum disorders treated in hospital / Nurfita

(Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014)


[Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui persepsi kemampuan perawat pada anak dengan gangguan spektrum autisme (GSA) yang dirawat di rumah sakit. Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analisis dengan menggunakan metode cross sectional dengan teknik total sampling menggunakan sampel 59 perawat dari rawat inap anak, unit thalasemia, serta ruang bedah anak di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo. Instrumen yang digunakan Survey.Brachlow5 milik Allison Golnik tahun 2009 dengan perubahan demografi sesuai kebutuhan populasi di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian antara lain persentase usia muda 54,2%, perempuan 91,5%, jenjang pendidikan D3 78%, pengalaman kerja kurang dari 5 tahun 39%, lokasi ruangan rawaat inap 57,6%, tidak pernah training 98,3%, tingginya kapasitas perawat 55,9%, tingginya kapasitas perawat 58,8%, tingginya pengetahuan perawat 57,1%, tingginya kepercayaan orang tua 100%, hambatan perawat 59,3% mengaku kurangnya pendidikan mengenai gangguan spektrum autisme. Saran dari penelitian antara lain diadakan training pada perawat di rumah sakit serta penambahan ilmu mengenai GSA di instansi pendidikan.;The purpose of this study was to determine the perception of the ability of nurses in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) were hospitalized. This study was a descriptive analysis using cross sectional method with a total sampling technique using samples of 59 nurses from the children’s inpatient, thalassemia unit, as well as the child's surgery in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Instruments used Survey.Brachlow5 owned by Allison Golnik (2009) with the changing demographics of the population in Indonesia as needed. The results of the study include the percentage of young age of 54.2%, 91.5% female, 78% diploma degree, work experience of less than 5 years of 39%, the location of the children’s inpatient was 57.6%, 98.3% said never training, the high capacity of nurses 55.9%, 58.8% of high source of knowledge, nurse 57.1% high knowledge, high trust of parents 100% , barrier 59.3% of nurses admitted lack of education about autism spectrum disorders. Suggestions of research are conducted training to nurses in hospitals as well as the addition of knowledge about the ASD in educational institutions.
;The purpose of this study was to determine the perception of the ability of nurses in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) were hospitalized. This study was a descriptive analysis using cross sectional method with a total sampling technique using samples of 59 nurses from the children’s inpatient, thalassemia unit, as well as the child's surgery in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Instruments used Survey.Brachlow5 owned by Allison Golnik (2009) with the changing demographics of the population in Indonesia as needed. The results of the study include the percentage of young age of 54.2%, 91.5% female, 78% diploma degree, work experience of less than 5 years of 39%, the location of the children’s inpatient was 57.6%, 98.3% said never training, the high capacity of nurses 55.9%, 58.8% of high source of knowledge, nurse 57.1% high knowledge, high trust of parents 100% , barrier 59.3% of nurses admitted lack of education about autism spectrum disorders. Suggestions of research are conducted training to nurses in hospitals as well as the addition of knowledge about the ASD in educational institutions.
;The purpose of this study was to determine the perception of the ability of nurses in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) were hospitalized. This study was a descriptive analysis using cross sectional method with a total sampling technique using samples of 59 nurses from the children’s inpatient, thalassemia unit, as well as the child's surgery in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Instruments used Survey.Brachlow5 owned by Allison Golnik (2009) with the changing demographics of the population in Indonesia as needed. The results of the study include the percentage of young age of 54.2%, 91.5% female, 78% diploma degree, work experience of less than 5 years of 39%, the location of the children’s inpatient was 57.6%, 98.3% said never training, the high capacity of nurses 55.9%, 58.8% of high source of knowledge, nurse 57.1% high knowledge, high trust of parents 100% , barrier 59.3% of nurses admitted lack of education about autism spectrum disorders. Suggestions of research are conducted training to nurses in hospitals as well as the addition of knowledge about the ASD in educational institutions.
;The purpose of this study was to determine the perception of the ability of nurses in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) were hospitalized. This study was a descriptive analysis using cross sectional method with a total sampling technique using samples of 59 nurses from the children’s inpatient, thalassemia unit, as well as the child's surgery in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Instruments used Survey.Brachlow5 owned by Allison Golnik (2009) with the changing demographics of the population in Indonesia as needed. The results of the study include the percentage of young age of 54.2%, 91.5% female, 78% diploma degree, work experience of less than 5 years of 39%, the location of the children’s inpatient was 57.6%, 98.3% said never training, the high capacity of nurses 55.9%, 58.8% of high source of knowledge, nurse 57.1% high knowledge, high trust of parents 100% , barrier 59.3% of nurses admitted lack of education about autism spectrum disorders. Suggestions of research are conducted training to nurses in hospitals as well as the addition of knowledge about the ASD in educational institutions.
, The purpose of this study was to determine the perception of the ability of nurses in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) were hospitalized. This study was a descriptive analysis using cross sectional method with a total sampling technique using samples of 59 nurses from the children’s inpatient, thalassemia unit, as well as the child's surgery in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Instruments used Survey.Brachlow5 owned by Allison Golnik (2009) with the changing demographics of the population in Indonesia as needed. The results of the study include the percentage of young age of 54.2%, 91.5% female, 78% diploma degree, work experience of less than 5 years of 39%, the location of the children’s inpatient was 57.6%, 98.3% said never training, the high capacity of nurses 55.9%, 58.8% of high source of knowledge, nurse 57.1% high knowledge, high trust of parents 100% , barrier 59.3% of nurses admitted lack of education about autism spectrum disorders. Suggestions of research are conducted training to nurses in hospitals as well as the addition of knowledge about the ASD in educational institutions.

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Jenis Koleksi : UI - Skripsi Membership
No. Panggil : S57864
Program Studi :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified]: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan :
Tipe Konten :
Tipe Media :
Tipe Carrier :
Deskripsi Fisik : xvi, 66 hlm. : ill. ; 30 cm. + lamp.
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
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