[Skripsi ini membahas tentang indoktrinasi Manipol-USDEK pada masa demokrasi terpimpin. Masa demokrasi terpimpin ditandai dengan kekuasaan yang otoriter dengan peraturan yang terpusat. Kekuasaan otoriter digunakan oleh Sukarno untuk memberikan indoktrinasi Manipol-USDEK sebagai pedoman bagi rakyat. Melalui hal itu, indoktrinasi Manipol-USDEK terus diupayakan dengan berbagai macam regulasi yang mendukung indoktrinasi tersebut. Proses indoktrinasi akan dijelaskan sejak proses awal hingga berakhirnya rezim.
;The thesis is discussing about indoctrination of Manipol-USDEK in thu guided democracy.The guided democracy’s regime was signed the power of authoritarian with the central of authority. The power of authoritarian was used by Sukarno for taking the indoctrination of Manipol-USDEK as orientation by people. Because of that, the indoctrination of Manipol-USDEK made being effort with the regulations which support the indoctrination. The process of indoctrination had being explored since the beginning until the end.
;The thesis is discussing about indoctrination of Manipol-USDEK in thu guided democracy.The guided democracy’s regime was signed the power of authoritarian with the central of authority. The power of authoritarian was used by Sukarno for taking the indoctrination of Manipol-USDEK as orientation by people. Because of that, the indoctrination of Manipol-USDEK made being effort with the regulations which support the indoctrination. The process of indoctrination had being explored since the beginning until the end.
;The thesis is discussing about indoctrination of Manipol-USDEK in thu guided democracy.The guided democracy’s regime was signed the power of authoritarian with the central of authority. The power of authoritarian was used by Sukarno for taking the indoctrination of Manipol-USDEK as orientation by people. Because of that, the indoctrination of Manipol-USDEK made being effort with the regulations which support the indoctrination. The process of indoctrination had being explored since the beginning until the end.
;The thesis is discussing about indoctrination of Manipol-USDEK in thu guided democracy.The guided democracy’s regime was signed the power of authoritarian with the central of authority. The power of authoritarian was used by Sukarno for taking the indoctrination of Manipol-USDEK as orientation by people. Because of that, the indoctrination of Manipol-USDEK made being effort with the regulations which support the indoctrination. The process of indoctrination had being explored since the beginning until the end.
, The thesis is discussing about indoctrination of Manipol-USDEK in thu guided democracy.The guided democracy’s regime was signed the power of authoritarian with the central of authority. The power of authoritarian was used by Sukarno for taking the indoctrination of Manipol-USDEK as orientation by people. Because of that, the indoctrination of Manipol-USDEK made being effort with the regulations which support the indoctrination. The process of indoctrination had being explored since the beginning until the end.