ABSTRAKRealityshow Primitive Runaway (PR) episode Lia Wa Ode dan Rio Dewanto
mengunjungi suku Sambori di Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat, merepresentasikan
pertemuan dua budaya yang berbeda, modern (Barat) dan tradisional (Timur).
Pertemuan dua budaya tersebut menghasilkan oposisi biner maju dan terbelakang,
percaya gaib dan berfikir rasional, bersih dan kotor, yang merupakan cara pandang
Orientalisme Edward Said yakni cara Barat memosisikan Timur.
Penelitian ini membahas bagaimana suku Sambori direpresentasikan dalam
Primitive Runaway serta bagaimana sudut pandang orang kota terhadap masyarakat
yang tinggal di belahan Indonesia Timur itu. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan
Semiotik Roland Barthes untuk membongkar mitos (mythologies) serta ideologi
hegemoni yang terkandung di program reality show ini.
ABSTRACTReality Show Primitive Runaway on Lia Wa Ode and Rio Dewanto episode
visiting Sambori tribe in Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat, represented the meeting of two
different cultures modern and traditional. The meeting of those two different cultures
produced binary opposition, deveveloped and undeveloped, mistics and rational,
hygienis and dirty, which was the Orientalism view of Edward Said, how West
positioned East.
This Research aims to analyze how Sambori tribe represented in Primitive
Runaway and the view of modern people about the tribe from East Indonesia. This
research used methodology approach of Semiotic Roland Barthes to find the
mythologies and its ideology.;Reality Show Primitive Runaway on Lia Wa Ode and Rio Dewanto episode
visiting Sambori tribe in Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat, represented the meeting of two
different cultures modern and traditional. The meeting of those two different cultures
produced binary opposition, deveveloped and undeveloped, mistics and rational,
hygienis and dirty, which was the Orientalism view of Edward Said, how West
positioned East.
This Research aims to analyze how Sambori tribe represented in Primitive
Runaway and the view of modern people about the tribe from East Indonesia. This
research used methodology approach of Semiotic Roland Barthes to find the
mythologies and its ideology.;Reality Show Primitive Runaway on Lia Wa Ode and Rio Dewanto episode
visiting Sambori tribe in Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat, represented the meeting of two
different cultures modern and traditional. The meeting of those two different cultures
produced binary opposition, deveveloped and undeveloped, mistics and rational,
hygienis and dirty, which was the Orientalism view of Edward Said, how West
positioned East.
This Research aims to analyze how Sambori tribe represented in Primitive
Runaway and the view of modern people about the tribe from East Indonesia. This
research used methodology approach of Semiotic Roland Barthes to find the
mythologies and its ideology., Reality Show Primitive Runaway on Lia Wa Ode and Rio Dewanto episode
visiting Sambori tribe in Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat, represented the meeting of two
different cultures modern and traditional. The meeting of those two different cultures
produced binary opposition, deveveloped and undeveloped, mistics and rational,
hygienis and dirty, which was the Orientalism view of Edward Said, how West
positioned East.
This Research aims to analyze how Sambori tribe represented in Primitive
Runaway and the view of modern people about the tribe from East Indonesia. This
research used methodology approach of Semiotic Roland Barthes to find the
mythologies and its ideology.]