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Hasil seleksi ujian tulis dan hasil pemeriksaan psikologi sebagai prediktor performa mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Malahayati angkatan 2013 pada tahun pertama = The written test selection results and psychology test results as a predictor of first year medical student performance Malahayati University batch 2013

Sri Maria Puji Lestari; Anwar Jusuf, supervisor; Jenny Bashiruddin, supervisor; Ardi Findyartini, examiner; Indah Suci Widyahening, examiner ([Publisher not identified] , 2015)


Tahun pertama tahap pendidikan merupakan fase yang cukup berat bagi mahasiswa kedokteran. Seleksi mahasiswa menjadi tugas yang sulit dalam menyaring calon mahasiswa yang diprediksi dapat optimal mengikuti proses pendidikan sejak tahun pertama hingga tahap akhir pendidikan. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Malahayati (FK UNIMAL) melaksanakan ujian tulis sebagai seleksi mahasiswa. FK UNIMAL melakukan pemeriksaan psikologi (instrumen SPM) sebagai tambahan (data formatif) setelah mahasiswa diterima untuk mengetahui potensi mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah hasil seleksi ujian tulis dan hasil pemeriksaan psikologi mahasiswa dapat menjadi prediktor performa mahasiswa FK UNIMAL angkatan 2013 pada tahun pertama.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kohort retrospektif menggunakan data seluruh mahasiswa FK UNIMAL angkatan 2013 (total sampling). Data terdiri atas hasil seleksi ujian tulis, hasil pemeriksaan psikologi (instrumen SPM), dan performa mahasiswa tahun pertama (Indeks Prestasi /IP semester 1, IP semester 2 dan IP Kumulatif /IPK tahun pertama). Data yang diperoleh di analisis secara univariat dan bivariat menggunakan uji komparatif Mann-Whitney dan uji korelasi Spearman.
Hasil: Data yang diperoleh secara lengkap sejumlah 431. Terdapat hubungan dengan korelasi yang lemah antara hasil seleksi ujian tulis dengan IPK tahun pertama (r=0.100, p=0.039) dan dengan IP semester 1 (r=0.122, p=0.011). Terdapat hubungan antara hasil pemeriksaan psikologi (instrumen SPM) dengan seluruh performa mahasiswa pada tahun pertama (p<0.001). Terdapat hubungan antara asal sekolah dengan IPK tahun pertama (p=0.017). Terdapat hubungan antara jenis kelamin dan asal sekolah dengan IP semester 2 (p<0.05).
Kesimpulan: Hasil pemeriksaan psikologi (instrumen SPM) merupakan prediktor positif terhadap seluruh performa mahasiswa FK UNIMAL angkatan 2013 pada tahun pertama. Penelitian lebih lanjut perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungannya dengan performa mahasiswa pada tahap pendidikan tahun berikutnya hingga menjadi dokter.

The first year of medical education is a difficult phase for medical students. Student selection is a difficult task to screen candidates that are predicted to be able optimally to follow the educational process from the first year until the final stage of education. Faculty of Medicine, University of Malahayati (FK Unimal) has implemented a written entry test as student selection. FK Unimal also implemented psychological test using standard progressive matrics (SPM) instruments as a supplement (formative data) to the students who are accepted, to determine the potential of students. This study aims to determine wether the result of the written selection test and the psychology test can be a predictor for the performance of first year medical students batch 2013of Malahayati University.
Method: This study is a retrospective cohort study using data of all students of FK Unimal batch 2013 (total sampling). The data consists of the written test selection results, psychology test results (SPM instruments), and first year medical student performance (gradepoint index, or Indeks Prestasi/IP of semester 1, IP of semester 2, and a first-year grade-point average/IPK). The data obtained are analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis using the Mann-Whitney comparative test and Spearman correlation test.
Result: The complete data are obtained from 431 students. There is weak correlation between the written test selection results with the first-year IPK (r=0,100, p=0,039) and with IP of semester 1 (r = 0.122, p = 0.011). Correlation is also seen between the psychology test results (SPM instruments) with the whole performance of students in the first year (p <0.001). There is correlation between school origin with the first-year IPK (p = 0.048). Correlation is also seen between gender and school origin with IP on semester 2 (p <0.05).
Conclusion: The psychology test results are positive predictor of first year medical student performance FK Unimal batch 2013. Further study is required to determine the correlation with medical student performance in the following years until graduation as a doctor;Background: The first year of medical education is a difficult phase for medical students. Student selection is a difficult task to screen candidates that are predicted to be able optimally to follow the educational process from the first year until the final stage of education. Faculty of Medicine, University of Malahayati (FK Unimal) has implemented a written entry test as student selection. FK Unimal also implemented psychological test using standard progressive matrics (SPM) instruments as a supplement (formative data) to the students who are accepted, to determine the potential of students. This study aims to determine wether the result of the written selection test and the psychology test can be a predictor for the performance of first year medical students batch 2013of Malahayati University.
Method: This study is a retrospective cohort study using data of all students of FK Unimal batch 2013 (total sampling). The data consists of the written test selection results, psychology test results (SPM instruments), and first year medical student performance (gradepoint index, or Indeks Prestasi/IP of semester 1, IP of semester 2, and a first-year grade-point average/IPK). The data obtained are analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis using the Mann-Whitney comparative test and Spearman correlation test.
Result: The complete data are obtained from 431 students. There is weak correlation between the written test selection results with the first-year IPK (r=0,100, p=0,039) and with IP of semester 1 (r = 0.122, p = 0.011). Correlation is also seen between the psychology test results (SPM instruments) with the whole performance of students in the first year (p <0.001). There is correlation between school origin with the first-year IPK (p = 0.048). Correlation is also seen between gender and school origin with IP on semester 2 (p <0.05).
Conclusion: The psychology test results are positive predictor of first year medical student performance FK Unimal batch 2013. Further study is required to determine the correlation with medical student performance in the following years until graduation as a doctor;Background: The first year of medical education is a difficult phase for medical students. Student selection is a difficult task to screen candidates that are predicted to be able optimally to follow the educational process from the first year until the final stage of education. Faculty of Medicine, University of Malahayati (FK Unimal) has implemented a written entry test as student selection. FK Unimal also implemented psychological test using standard progressive matrics (SPM) instruments as a supplement (formative data) to the students who are accepted, to determine the potential of students. This study aims to determine wether the result of the written selection test and the psychology test can be a predictor for the performance of first year medical students batch 2013of Malahayati University.
Method: This study is a retrospective cohort study using data of all students of FK Unimal batch 2013 (total sampling). The data consists of the written test selection results, psychology test results (SPM instruments), and first year medical student performance (gradepoint index, or Indeks Prestasi/IP of semester 1, IP of semester 2, and a first-year grade-point average/IPK). The data obtained are analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis using the Mann-Whitney comparative test and Spearman correlation test.
Result: The complete data are obtained from 431 students. There is weak correlation between the written test selection results with the first-year IPK (r=0,100, p=0,039) and with IP of semester 1 (r = 0.122, p = 0.011). Correlation is also seen between the psychology test results (SPM instruments) with the whole performance of students in the first year (p <0.001). There is correlation between school origin with the first-year IPK (p = 0.048). Correlation is also seen between gender and school origin with IP on semester 2 (p <0.05).
Conclusion: The psychology test results are positive predictor of first year medical student performance FK Unimal batch 2013. Further study is required to determine the correlation with medical student performance in the following years until graduation as a doctor;Background: The first year of medical education is a difficult phase for medical students. Student selection is a difficult task to screen candidates that are predicted to be able optimally to follow the educational process from the first year until the final stage of education. Faculty of Medicine, University of Malahayati (FK Unimal) has implemented a written entry test as student selection. FK Unimal also implemented psychological test using standard progressive matrics (SPM) instruments as a supplement (formative data) to the students who are accepted, to determine the potential of students. This study aims to determine wether the result of the written selection test and the psychology test can be a predictor for the performance of first year medical students batch 2013of Malahayati University.
Method: This study is a retrospective cohort study using data of all students of FK Unimal batch 2013 (total sampling). The data consists of the written test selection results, psychology test results (SPM instruments), and first year medical student performance (gradepoint index, or Indeks Prestasi/IP of semester 1, IP of semester 2, and a first-year grade-point average/IPK). The data obtained are analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis using the Mann-Whitney comparative test and Spearman correlation test.
Result: The complete data are obtained from 431 students. There is weak correlation between the written test selection results with the first-year IPK (r=0,100, p=0,039) and with IP of semester 1 (r = 0.122, p = 0.011). Correlation is also seen between the psychology test results (SPM instruments) with the whole performance of students in the first year (p <0.001). There is correlation between school origin with the first-year IPK (p = 0.048). Correlation is also seen between gender and school origin with IP on semester 2 (p <0.05).
Conclusion: The psychology test results are positive predictor of first year medical student performance FK Unimal batch 2013. Further study is required to determine the correlation with medical student performance in the following years until graduation as a doctor;Background: The first year of medical education is a difficult phase for medical students. Student selection is a difficult task to screen candidates that are predicted to be able optimally to follow the educational process from the first year until the final stage of education. Faculty of Medicine, University of Malahayati (FK Unimal) has implemented a written entry test as student selection. FK Unimal also implemented psychological test using standard progressive matrics (SPM) instruments as a supplement (formative data) to the students who are accepted, to determine the potential of students. This study aims to determine wether the result of the written selection test and the psychology test can be a predictor for the performance of first year medical students batch 2013of Malahayati University.
Method: This study is a retrospective cohort study using data of all students of FK Unimal batch 2013 (total sampling). The data consists of the written test selection results, psychology test results (SPM instruments), and first year medical student performance (gradepoint index, or Indeks Prestasi/IP of semester 1, IP of semester 2, and a first-year grade-point average/IPK). The data obtained are analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis using the Mann-Whitney comparative test and Spearman correlation test.
Result: The complete data are obtained from 431 students. There is weak correlation between the written test selection results with the first-year IPK (r=0,100, p=0,039) and with IP of semester 1 (r = 0.122, p = 0.011). Correlation is also seen between the psychology test results (SPM instruments) with the whole performance of students in the first year (p <0.001). There is correlation between school origin with the first-year IPK (p = 0.048). Correlation is also seen between gender and school origin with IP on semester 2 (p <0.05).
Conclusion: The psychology test results are positive predictor of first year medical student performance FK Unimal batch 2013. Further study is required to determine the correlation with medical student performance in the following years until graduation as a doctor;Background: The first year of medical education is a difficult phase for medical students. Student selection is a difficult task to screen candidates that are predicted to be able optimally to follow the educational process from the first year until the final stage of education. Faculty of Medicine, University of Malahayati (FK Unimal) has implemented a written entry test as student selection. FK Unimal also implemented psychological test using standard progressive matrics (SPM) instruments as a supplement (formative data) to the students who are accepted, to determine the potential of students. This study aims to determine wether the result of the written selection test and the psychology test can be a predictor for the performance of first year medical students batch 2013of Malahayati University.
Method: This study is a retrospective cohort study using data of all students of FK Unimal batch 2013 (total sampling). The data consists of the written test selection results, psychology test results (SPM instruments), and first year medical student performance (gradepoint index, or Indeks Prestasi/IP of semester 1, IP of semester 2, and a first-year grade-point average/IPK). The data obtained are analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis using the Mann-Whitney comparative test and Spearman correlation test.
Result: The complete data are obtained from 431 students. There is weak correlation between the written test selection results with the first-year IPK (r=0,100, p=0,039) and with IP of semester 1 (r = 0.122, p = 0.011). Correlation is also seen between the psychology test results (SPM instruments) with the whole performance of students in the first year (p <0.001). There is correlation between school origin with the first-year IPK (p = 0.048). Correlation is also seen between gender and school origin with IP on semester 2 (p <0.05).
Conclusion: The psychology test results are positive predictor of first year medical student performance FK Unimal batch 2013. Further study is required to determine the correlation with medical student performance in the following years until graduation as a doctor, Background: The first year of medical education is a difficult phase for medical students. Student selection is a difficult task to screen candidates that are predicted to be able optimally to follow the educational process from the first year until the final stage of education. Faculty of Medicine, University of Malahayati (FK Unimal) has implemented a written entry test as student selection. FK Unimal also implemented psychological test using standard progressive matrics (SPM) instruments as a supplement (formative data) to the students who are accepted, to determine the potential of students. This study aims to determine wether the result of the written selection test and the psychology test can be a predictor for the performance of first year medical students batch 2013of Malahayati University.
Method: This study is a retrospective cohort study using data of all students of FK Unimal batch 2013 (total sampling). The data consists of the written test selection results, psychology test results (SPM instruments), and first year medical student performance (gradepoint index, or Indeks Prestasi/IP of semester 1, IP of semester 2, and a first-year grade-point average/IPK). The data obtained are analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis using the Mann-Whitney comparative test and Spearman correlation test.
Result: The complete data are obtained from 431 students. There is weak correlation between the written test selection results with the first-year IPK (r=0,100, p=0,039) and with IP of semester 1 (r = 0.122, p = 0.011). Correlation is also seen between the psychology test results (SPM instruments) with the whole performance of students in the first year (p <0.001). There is correlation between school origin with the first-year IPK (p = 0.048). Correlation is also seen between gender and school origin with IP on semester 2 (p <0.05).
Conclusion: The psychology test results are positive predictor of first year medical student performance FK Unimal batch 2013. Further study is required to determine the correlation with medical student performance in the following years until graduation as a doctor]

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Jenis Koleksi : UI - Tesis Membership
No. Panggil : T-Pdf
Entri utama-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama badan :
Program Studi :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2015
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : computer
Tipe Carrier : online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : xii, 73 pages. : illustration. ; 28 cm. + appendix.
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
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T-Pdf 15-18-625623903 TERSEDIA
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