ABSTRAKPeran penting Pasar Tradisional dalam perekonomian daerah, mendorong adanya
upaya untuk meningkatkan kinerja pasar melalui program revitalisasi pasar
tradisional. Program revitalisasi pasar tradisional direalisasikan melalui
pembangunan pasar tradisional baru dan/atau memperbaiki fisik pasar tradisional
yang ada, mengadakan pelatihan manajemen pengelolaan pasar, dan
pendampingan terhadap pengelola, konsumen, serta sosialisasi revitalisasi pasar
tradisional. Namun dalam perkembangannya pelaksanaan dari program
revitalisasi menyisakan banyak permasalahan seperti rendahnya jumlah pembeli.
Dalam penelitian ini fokus utamanya adalah menjawab pertanyaan mengapa
pemanfaatan fasilitas di pasar Panggungrejo dan pasar Pucangsawit begitu rendah.
Dengan menggunakan metode survei melalui teknik penyebaran kuisioner dan
interview secara mendalam (dept interview), dan kemudian dilakukan analisis
secara deskriptif maka diperoleh hasil bahwa rendahnya pemanfaatan fasilitas
pasar disebabkan oleh faktor lokasi pasar yang tidak strategis, rendahnya jumlah
pembeli, kondisi usaha, dan pengelolaan pasar yang kurang baik.;The important role of traditional markets in the regional economy, encourage their
efforts to improve the performance of the market through the traditional market
revitalization program. Traditional market revitalization program is realized
through the development of new markets and improve the physical traditional
markets, management training markets, and assistance to managers, consumers
and dissemination of traditional market revitalization. But in its development,
implementation of revitalization program leaves a lot of problem such as low of
buyer. In this study the main focus is to answer the question of why the use of
facilities in Panggungrejo and Pucangsawit markets so low. By using the survey
method through quetionnaires and interview techniques in depth, and then
conducted a descriptive analysis of the obtained results that the low utilization
factor of the market caused by the lack of strategic market location, the low
number of buyers, bussiness condition, and management of unfavorable market;The important role of traditional markets in the regional economy, encourage their
efforts to improve the performance of the market through the traditional market
revitalization program. Traditional market revitalization program is realized
through the development of new markets and improve the physical traditional
markets, management training markets, and assistance to managers, consumers
and dissemination of traditional market revitalization. But in its development,
implementation of revitalization program leaves a lot of problem such as low of
buyer. In this study the main focus is to answer the question of why the use of
facilities in Panggungrejo and Pucangsawit markets so low. By using the survey
method through quetionnaires and interview techniques in depth, and then
conducted a descriptive analysis of the obtained results that the low utilization
factor of the market caused by the lack of strategic market location, the low
number of buyers, bussiness condition, and management of unfavorable market, The important role of traditional markets in the regional economy, encourage their
efforts to improve the performance of the market through the traditional market
revitalization program. Traditional market revitalization program is realized
through the development of new markets and improve the physical traditional
markets, management training markets, and assistance to managers, consumers
and dissemination of traditional market revitalization. But in its development,
implementation of revitalization program leaves a lot of problem such as low of
buyer. In this study the main focus is to answer the question of why the use of
facilities in Panggungrejo and Pucangsawit markets so low. By using the survey
method through quetionnaires and interview techniques in depth, and then
conducted a descriptive analysis of the obtained results that the low utilization
factor of the market caused by the lack of strategic market location, the low
number of buyers, bussiness condition, and management of unfavorable market]