Latar Belakang: Selama preparasi kemomekanis, umumnya terjadi ekstrusi debri ke periapeks yang dapat memicu respon inflamasi dan memperlambat penyembuhan jaringan periapeks. ProTaper® dilaporkan menyebabkan banyak esktrusi debri, dan belum ada data mengenai ekstrusi debri oleh generasi barunya, ProTaper Next®
Tujuan: Menganalisis jumlah ekstrusi debri pada gigi yang dipreparasi dengan ProTaper® dan ProTaper Next®.
Metode: Enam puluh gigi premolar dibagi dalam dua kelompok (kelompok ProTaper® dan ProTaper Next®) sama besar. Ekstrusi debri pada preparasi ditampung dalam tabung, dan perbedaan berat tabung sebelum preparasi dan sesudah preparasi merupakan jumlah debri terekstrusi
Hasil: kelompok ProTaper® menghasilkan debri lebih banyak daripada kelompok ProTaper Next®. Secara statistik (t-test) perbedaanya bermakna (p<0,005).
Kesimpulan: jumlah debri pada preparasi dengan ProTaper Next® lebih sedikit daripada pada preparasi dengan ProTaper.
Background: debris extrusion during chemomechanical preparation could trigger inflammatory response and delay periapical healing. Instrumentation with ProTaper® is reported to cause significant debris extrusion, while no data available with ProTaper Next®. Objective: to analyze the amount of debris extruded in instrumentation with ProTaper® and ProTaper Next®. Methods: sixty premolars were divided evenly into two groups; the first group was instrumented with ProTaper® and the other one with ProTaper Next®. Debris ekstruded during instrumentation was collected in a bottle and the difference between the weight of the bottle before and after intrumentation was considered as the amount of debris extrusion. Results: debris extrusion by instrumentation with ProTaper® was greater than instrumentation with ProTaper Next®, and statistically significant (t-test, p<0,005). Conclusion: the amount of debris extrusion produced by ProTaper Next® was less than produced by ProTaper®