ABSTRAKHMI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam) merupakan salah satu organisasi
mahasiswa terbesar di Indonesia. Perjalan HMI hingga saat ini seringkali dipenuhi
dengan dinamika baik di Internal maupun eksternal organisasi. Penelitian ini
meneliti peranan kepemimpinan dan strategi organisasi dalam menghadapi
dinamika lingkungan eksternal berupa munculnya PB HMI yang diketuai Adi
Baiquni dan periode kepengurusan yang berada pada momentum pemilihan umum
tahun 2014. Tiga rumusan pertanyaan penelitian yaitu ; 1) Apa strategi organisasi
PB HMI periode 2013 ? 2015 yang dipimpin oleh Arif Rosyid dalam menghadapi
dinamika lingkungan eksternal organisasi ? 2) Kenapa memilih strategi tersebut
sebagai upaya dalam menghadapi dinamika lingkungan eksternal organisasi ? 3)
Bagaimana peranan kepemimpinan dalam implememtasi strategi organisasi dalam
menghdapi dinamika lingkungan eksternal organisasi ?
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik
pemilihan informan ditentukan secara purposive sampling yaitu dengan
melakukan wawancara mendalam kepada informan yang dipilih dengan
pertimbangan tertentu serta melakukan studi dokumentasi.
Secara ringkas dari temuan hasil, tesis menghasilkan bahwa dua kondisi
lingkungan eksternal ini menuntut PB HMI periode 2013-2015 melakukan strategi
untuk menghadapinya, diantaranya adalah dengan menjalin kerja sama dengan
organisasi lain dan memanfaatkan budaya organisasi yang ada. Pilhan strategi
dilakukan dengan berbagai pertimbangan dan juga Arif Rosyid berperan langsung
pengimplementasian strategi yang telah ditetapkan tersebut. Namun disisi lain
kepemimpinan Arif Rosyid juga digugat oleh beberapa orang pengurusnya yang
menilai ada bebarapa hal yang tidak sesuai dengan aturan organisasi.
ABSTRACTHMI (Islamic Student Association) is one of the largest student
organization in Indonesia. HMI journey to this day is often filled with dynamics in
both Internal and external organizations. This research examines the role of
organizational leadership and strategy in the face of dynamic external
environment such as the emergence of PB HMI chaired by Adi Baiquni and
period of stewardship that are on the momentum of 2014 elections. Formulation
three research questions namely; 1) What organizational strategy PB HMI period
from 2013 to 2015, led by Arif Rosyid in the face of dynamic external
environment? 2) Why did you choose such a strategy as an effort in the face of
dynamic external environment? 3) How is the role of leadership in face
organizational strategy dynamics in the external environment of the organization?
This study used qualitative research methods to the informant selection
techniques are determined by purposive sampling is to perform interviews with
informants selected for certain considerations as well as to study the
In summary of the findings, the thesis that the two conditions result in the
external environment is demanding PB HMI 2013-2015 period pursuing a strategy
to deal with, such as by cooperating with other organizations and take advantage
of the existing organizational culture. Choice of strategy is done by a variety of
considerations and also contribute directly Arif Rosyid implementation of the
strategy has been set. On the other hand Arif leadership Rosyid also sued by
several people there bebarapa managers who assess the things that are not in
accordance with the rules of the organization.;HMI (Islamic Student Association) is one of the largest student
organization in Indonesia. HMI journey to this day is often filled with dynamics in
both Internal and external organizations. This research examines the role of
organizational leadership and strategy in the face of dynamic external
environment such as the emergence of PB HMI chaired by Adi Baiquni and
period of stewardship that are on the momentum of 2014 elections. Formulation
three research questions namely; 1) What organizational strategy PB HMI period
from 2013 to 2015, led by Arif Rosyid in the face of dynamic external
environment? 2) Why did you choose such a strategy as an effort in the face of
dynamic external environment? 3) How is the role of leadership in face
organizational strategy dynamics in the external environment of the organization?
This study used qualitative research methods to the informant selection
techniques are determined by purposive sampling is to perform interviews with
informants selected for certain considerations as well as to study the
In summary of the findings, the thesis that the two conditions result in the
external environment is demanding PB HMI 2013-2015 period pursuing a strategy
to deal with, such as by cooperating with other organizations and take advantage
of the existing organizational culture. Choice of strategy is done by a variety of
considerations and also contribute directly Arif Rosyid implementation of the
strategy has been set. On the other hand Arif leadership Rosyid also sued by
several people there bebarapa managers who assess the things that are not in
accordance with the rules of the organization., HMI (Islamic Student Association) is one of the largest student
organization in Indonesia. HMI journey to this day is often filled with dynamics in
both Internal and external organizations. This research examines the role of
organizational leadership and strategy in the face of dynamic external
environment such as the emergence of PB HMI chaired by Adi Baiquni and
period of stewardship that are on the momentum of 2014 elections. Formulation
three research questions namely; 1) What organizational strategy PB HMI period
from 2013 to 2015, led by Arif Rosyid in the face of dynamic external
environment? 2) Why did you choose such a strategy as an effort in the face of
dynamic external environment? 3) How is the role of leadership in face
organizational strategy dynamics in the external environment of the organization?
This study used qualitative research methods to the informant selection
techniques are determined by purposive sampling is to perform interviews with
informants selected for certain considerations as well as to study the
In summary of the findings, the thesis that the two conditions result in the
external environment is demanding PB HMI 2013-2015 period pursuing a strategy
to deal with, such as by cooperating with other organizations and take advantage
of the existing organizational culture. Choice of strategy is done by a variety of
considerations and also contribute directly Arif Rosyid implementation of the
strategy has been set. On the other hand Arif leadership Rosyid also sued by
several people there bebarapa managers who assess the things that are not in
accordance with the rules of the organization.]