ABSTRAKDewasa ini kegiatan bancassurance mulai menjadi hal yang sangat diminati baik
oleh perusahaan asurasi, bank maupun bagi nasabah sendiri karena memiliki
berbagai keuntungan di dalam pelaksanaannya. Adapun yang menjadi
permasalahan dalam tesis ini adalah Bagaimana kedudukan hukum kegiatan
bancassurance di Indonesia dan bagaimana kegiatan bancassurance dilihat dari
hukum persaingan usaha serta apakah terdapat pelanggaran hukum persaingan
usaha dalam rangka kegiatan bancassurance? Kesimpulan: Pertama, aturan
hukum terkait bancassurance diatur di dalam beberapa peraturan perundangundangan,
yaitu Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1992 sebagaimana telah diubah
dengan Undang-undang Nomor 10 Tahun 1998 tentang Perbankan, Undangundang
Nomor 40 Tahun 2014 tentang Perasuransian, serta secara khusus diatur
baik dalam peraturan lainnya, salah satunya adalah dalam Surat Edaran Bank
Indonesia Nomor 35/12/DPNP. Kedua, aturan-aturan dalam rangka kegiatan
bancassurance yang ada pada saat ini telah sejalan ketentuan-ketentuan yang
ditetapkan oleh hukum persaingan usaha dan tidak akan terjadi pelanggaran
hukum persaingan usaha yang sehat bila dijalankan sesuai aturan yang berlaku.
ABSTRACTThese day bancassurance activities began to be very attractive either by the
insurance company, banks and for the customers themselves as having various
advantages in its implementation. The main issue in this literature focuses on the
legal position of bancassurance activities in Indonesia and seen how the
bancassurance activities from the sight of competition law as well as whether
there is a violation of competition law in the context of bancassurance activities?
Conclusion: The first conclusion, the law related to bancassurance is set in some
legislation, namely The law of Republic Indonesia No. 7 of 1992 as amended
by The law of Republic Indonesia No. 10 of 1998regarding Banking, The law of
Republic Indonesia No. 40 of 2014 regarding Insurance, as well as specifically
regulated either in other regulations, one of which is the Bank Indonesia Circular
Letter No. 35/12/DPNP. The second conclusion, the rules in the framework of the
existing bancassurance activities at this time has aligned the provisions laid down
by competition law and will not be a violation of fair competition laws when run
according to the rules.;These day bancassurance activities began to be very attractive either by the
insurance company, banks and for the customers themselves as having various
advantages in its implementation. The main issue in this literature focuses on the
legal position of bancassurance activities in Indonesia and seen how the
bancassurance activities from the sight of competition law as well as whether
there is a violation of competition law in the context of bancassurance activities?
Conclusion: The first conclusion, the law related to bancassurance is set in some
legislation, namely The law of Republic Indonesia No. 7 of 1992 as amended
by The law of Republic Indonesia No. 10 of 1998regarding Banking, The law of
Republic Indonesia No. 40 of 2014 regarding Insurance, as well as specifically
regulated either in other regulations, one of which is the Bank Indonesia Circular
Letter No. 35/12/DPNP. The second conclusion, the rules in the framework of the
existing bancassurance activities at this time has aligned the provisions laid down
by competition law and will not be a violation of fair competition laws when run
according to the rules.;These day bancassurance activities began to be very attractive either by the
insurance company, banks and for the customers themselves as having various
advantages in its implementation. The main issue in this literature focuses on the
legal position of bancassurance activities in Indonesia and seen how the
bancassurance activities from the sight of competition law as well as whether
there is a violation of competition law in the context of bancassurance activities?
Conclusion: The first conclusion, the law related to bancassurance is set in some
legislation, namely The law of Republic Indonesia No. 7 of 1992 as amended
by The law of Republic Indonesia No. 10 of 1998regarding Banking, The law of
Republic Indonesia No. 40 of 2014 regarding Insurance, as well as specifically
regulated either in other regulations, one of which is the Bank Indonesia Circular
Letter No. 35/12/DPNP. The second conclusion, the rules in the framework of the
existing bancassurance activities at this time has aligned the provisions laid down
by competition law and will not be a violation of fair competition laws when run
according to the rules., These day bancassurance activities began to be very attractive either by the
insurance company, banks and for the customers themselves as having various
advantages in its implementation. The main issue in this literature focuses on the
legal position of bancassurance activities in Indonesia and seen how the
bancassurance activities from the sight of competition law as well as whether
there is a violation of competition law in the context of bancassurance activities?
Conclusion: The first conclusion, the law related to bancassurance is set in some
legislation, namely The law of Republic Indonesia No. 7 of 1992 as amended
by The law of Republic Indonesia No. 10 of 1998regarding Banking, The law of
Republic Indonesia No. 40 of 2014 regarding Insurance, as well as specifically
regulated either in other regulations, one of which is the Bank Indonesia Circular
Letter No. 35/12/DPNP. The second conclusion, the rules in the framework of the
existing bancassurance activities at this time has aligned the provisions laid down
by competition law and will not be a violation of fair competition laws when run
according to the rules.]