ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan penghasilan terhadap keputusan pindah kerja, sekaligus merekam laju perubahan penghasilan berdasarkan alasan pindah kerja dengan membagi individu kedalam kelompok pindah kerja atas dasar terpaksa dan atas dasar sukarela, menggunakan data longitudinal IFLS tahun 2000 dan 2007. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa perbedaan penghasilan menjadi salah satu faktor determinan keputusan pindah kerja. Penghasilan estimasi menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata laju pertumbuhan penghasilan individu pindah kerja lebih besar daripada yang tidak pindah kerja. Selain itu, rata-rata laju pertumbuhan penghasilan individu pindah kerja atas dasar sukarela lebih besar daripada yang pindah kerja atas dasar terpaksa.
ABSTRACTThis research aims to find out the effect of earning gap on the decision of job mobility, and to record the earning growth based on the reasons of job mobility, be it involuntarily and voluntarily, using panel individuals of IFLS longitudinal data in the year of 2000 and 2007. This research proves that estimated earning gap is one of the determinants of job mobility. The mean of estimated earning shows that individuals?earning of those who participate in job mobility is higher than those who do not, while those who participate on job mobility voluntarily is higher than those involuntarily.
, This research aims to find out the effect of earning gap on the decision of job mobility, and to record the earning growth based on the reasons of job mobility, be it involuntarily and voluntarily, using panel individuals of IFLS longitudinal data in the year of 2000 and 2007. This research proves that estimated earning gap is one of the determinants of job mobility. The mean of estimated earning shows that individuals?earning of those who participate in job mobility is higher than those who do not, while those who participate on job mobility voluntarily is higher than those involuntarily.