ABSTRAKPerkembangan EEG Pasta yang ada masih tetap menggunakan bahan-bahan yang dapat menyebabkan rasa pedih di mata, perih di kulit dan susah membersihkannnya diperlukan EEG Pasta yang tidak mengakibatkan masalah diatas tetapi tetap memiliki sifat konduktansi yang sangat bagus. Maka dibuatlah prototype Pasta EEG berbahan dasar tepung jagung dengan pengukuran impedansi. Pengukuran impedansi dilaksanakan di RS Pertamedika Sentul City- Sentul City, dimulai tanggal 03/12/2103 ? 20/12/2013. Nilai Impedansi yang diukur meliputi CZ, C3, C4, Z, A1 dan A2 dengan menggunakan Pasta Original, Pasta Tepung Jagung 25% dan Pasta Tepung Jagung 50%. Mengamati nilai impedansi EEG tersebut, dengan penambahan pasta konsentrasi semakin tinggi. Pasta kontrol dan pasta tepung jagung 25% sudah cukup memenuhi syarat pengukuran EEG dengan nilai impedansi yaitu 5-10 k Ohm. Semakin besar kandungan tepung jagung (50%) semakin besar nilai impedansinya.;
ABSTRACTTrend of EEG Paste now is still use the ingredient which can cause skin and eyes irritation also hard to removed. We need EEG paste which cannot cause the above conditions but still have good conductitivity. So we produce prototype EEG paste staff from corn flour with impedance measurement. Impedance measurement executed at Pertamedika Sentul City Hospital, starting from 03/12/2013 ? 20/12/2013. Impedance value including CZ, C3, C4, Z, A1 and A2 using Origin paste, corn flour paste 25% and corn flour paste 50%. Observe EEG impedance value with additional high concentrate paste. Control paste and corn flour paste 25% are fulfilled conditions impedance EEG measurement with impedance value 5-10 k Ohm. More bigger corn flour contains (50%) more higher impedance value., Trend of EEG Paste now is still use the ingredient which can cause skin and eyes irritation also hard to removed. We need EEG paste which cannot cause the above conditions but still have good conductitivity. So we produce prototype EEG paste staff from corn flour with impedance measurement. Impedance measurement executed at Pertamedika Sentul City Hospital, starting from 03/12/2013 – 20/12/2013. Impedance value including CZ, C3, C4, Z, A1 and A2 using Origin paste, corn flour paste 25% and corn flour paste 50%. Observe EEG impedance value with additional high concentrate paste. Control paste and corn flour paste 25% are fulfilled conditions impedance EEG measurement with impedance value 5-10 k Ohm. More bigger corn flour contains (50%) more higher impedance value.]