ABSTRAKPenelitian ini menguji faktor-faktor eksternal yang memengaruhi purchase intention konsumen terhadap sepatu running di Kota Jakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kota Jakarta dengan sampel pengguna sepatu running yang berdomisili di kota Jakarta. Melalui in depth interview diperoleh bahwa faktor- faktor eksternal yang diprediksi berpengaruh terhadap minat beli konsumen pada sepatu running adalah design, price, product quality, dan brand image. Pengujian yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi berganda dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 168 orang. Berdasarkan pengujian tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa design, price, product quality, dan brand image berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap purchase intention konsumen pada sepatu running.;
ABSTRACTThis study examined the external factors that influence consumer purchase intention toward running shoes in Jakarta. This research was conducted in the city of Jakarta with running shoes users residing in the city for the sample. Through in-depth interviews, the external factors that predicted to affect the consumer purchase intention in running shoes are design, price, product quality and brand image. This study were conducted using multiple regression analysis, with total samples of 168. Based on these tests, it can be concluded that the design, price, product quality and brand image in a positive and significant impact on consumer purchase intention in running shoes., This study examined the external factors that influence consumer purchase intention toward running shoes in Jakarta. This research was conducted in the city of Jakarta with running shoes users residing in the city for the sample. Through in-depth interviews, the external factors that predicted to affect the consumer purchase intention in running shoes are design, price, product quality and brand image. This study were conducted using multiple regression analysis, with total samples of 168. Based on these tests, it can be concluded that the design, price, product quality and brand image in a positive and significant impact on consumer purchase intention in running shoes.]