ABSTRAKFocus penelitian ini adalah untuk menganlisa empat portofolio bisnis yang dikelola PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) yaitu Bisnis Ferry Komersial, Bisnis Ferry Keperintisan, Bisnis Pelabuhan Ferry dan Bisnis Usaha Aneka. Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan merekomendasikan strategi level korporasi yang sesuai yang dapat diimplementasikan oleh perusahaan dengan tujuan meningkatkan nilai perusahaan. Strategi level korporasi merupakan hal yang mendasar karena menyangkut keseluruhan tujuan dan ruang lingkup organisasi, bagaimana nilai akan ditambahkan kepada bagian-bagian perusahaan yang berbeda dan akhirnya menciptakan nilai bagi pemegang saham. Penelitan ini dilaksanakan dengan pendekatan kualitatif-studi kasus dimana data diperoleh dari wawancara dengan manajemen korporasi dan manajer unit bisnis, laporan-laporan perusahaan, referensi buku, jurnal ilmiah dan materi publikasi lainnya. Konsep utama dalam analisis penelitian berdasarkan kerangka Corporate Parenting dari Goold, Campbell & Alexander (1994), Strategi Level Korporasi dari Coulter (2002) and Restrukturisasi dari Hill & Jones (2002). Analisis portofolio dengan kerangka Corporate Parenting mengidentifikasi tingkat kesesuaian antara kebutuhan unit bisnis dengan keahlian yang dimiliki perusahaan induk yang akan berdampak pada pembentukan nilai perusahaan atau penghancuran nilai perusahaan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, Bisnis Ferry Komersial dan Bisnis Pelabuhan berada di wilayah Heartland dan strategi level korporasi terbaik adalah melalui Strategi Pertumbuhan, sementara Bisnis Ferry Keperintisan dan Usaha Aneka Jasa masing-masing berada di wilayah Value Trap dan Edge of Heartland dimana strategi terbaik adalah dengan Strategi Restrukturisasi. Namun, penelitian ini tidak secara lebih jauh mendiskusikan tentang strategi level bisnis untuk setiap unit bisnis dan bagaimana pelaksanaan strateginya. Terakhir, pendekatan penelitian yang sama perlu dilakukan untuk subjek perusahaan yang berbeda khusunya pada Badan Usaha Milik Negara.;
ABSTRACTThe focus of this research is to analyze four business portfolio managed by PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) which are Commercial Ferry, Pioneer Ferry, Port Business and Auxiliary Business. The main objective is to identify and recommend suitable corporate level strategy that might be implemented by corporation in order to enhance value. Corporate level strategy is very fundamental because it concerns with overall purpose and scope of an organization, how value will be added to different part of the organization and finally create shareholder value.The research was performed with qualititave-case study research where data collected from interview with corporate management and business unit manager, company?s reports, reference books, journal and publication.The main concept in research analysis is base on Corporate Parenting Framework of Goold, Campbell & Alexander (1994), Corporate Level Strategy of Coulter (2002) and Restructuring from Hill & Jones (2002). Portfolio analysis using Corporate Parenting Framework is identifying the level of fitness between business unit needs and corporate parent skills that will affect corporate?s value creating or value destroying. Based on analysis, Commercial Ferry and Port Business are in Heartland area which best corporate strategy is Growth, while Pioneer Ferry and Auxiliary Business is each in Value Trap and Edge of Heartland area which best strategy is Restructuring. However this research does not further discuss about business level strategy for each business and it implementation. Lastly, same approach of research is need to be conducted to another subject of corporate parenting strategy especially for stated-owned company., The focus of this research is to analyze four business portfolio managed by PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) which are Commercial Ferry, Pioneer Ferry, Port Business and Auxiliary Business. The main objective is to identify and recommend suitable corporate level strategy that might be implemented by corporation in order to enhance value. Corporate level strategy is very fundamental because it concerns with overall purpose and scope of an organization, how value will be added to different part of the organization and finally create shareholder value.The research was performed with qualititave-case study research where data collected from interview with corporate management and business unit manager, company’s reports, reference books, journal and publication.The main concept in research analysis is base on Corporate Parenting Framework of Goold, Campbell & Alexander (1994), Corporate Level Strategy of Coulter (2002) and Restructuring from Hill & Jones (2002). Portfolio analysis using Corporate Parenting Framework is identifying the level of fitness between business unit needs and corporate parent skills that will affect corporate’s value creating or value destroying. Based on analysis, Commercial Ferry and Port Business are in Heartland area which best corporate strategy is Growth, while Pioneer Ferry and Auxiliary Business is each in Value Trap and Edge of Heartland area which best strategy is Restructuring. However this research does not further discuss about business level strategy for each business and it implementation. Lastly, same approach of research is need to be conducted to another subject of corporate parenting strategy especially for stated-owned company.]