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UI - Disertasi Membership :: Kembali

Karakteristik eichhornia crassipes mart solms dan pistia stratiotes L pada air limbah domestik ipal bojongsoang bandung serta uji toksisitas hasil fitoremediasinya = characteristic of eichhornia crassipes mart solms and pistia stratiotes l in domestic wastewater in wastewater treatment plant bojongsoang bandung and toxicity test results of their phytoremediation / Tony Sudjarwo

Tony Sudjarwo; Wibowo Mangunwardoyo, promotor; Nisyawati, co-promotor; Mufti Petala Patria, examiner; Ratna Yuniati, examiner; Yayat Dhahiyat, examiner; Nia Rossiana, co-promotor ([Publisher not identified] , 2014)


Penelitian telah dilakukan mengenai karakteristik Eichhornia crassipes
(Mart.) Solms dan Pistia stratiotes L. pada air limbah domestik serta uji toksisitas
hasil fitoremediasinya. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui aspek anatomi,
fisiologi dan ekologi E. crassipes dan P. stratiotes serta toksisitas hasil
fitoremediasinya terhadap Dahnia magna L. dan Cyprinus carpio L. Bahan
ditempatkan di outlet kolam anaerob, fakultatif dan maturasi di Instalasi
Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) Bojongsoang Bandung selama 14 hari dan
sebagai fitoremediator selama 10 hari dengan metode statik. Hasil fitoremediasi
diuji toksisitas akut dan sub akut terhadap D. magna selama 2 hari dan C. carpio
selama 4 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan E. crassipes dan P. stratiotes
sebagian besar menurun pada diameter akar 1,18-2,50 mm, stele 0,37-1,82 mm,
korteks 0,30-0,65 mm, panjang akar 0,05-5,21 cm dan kadar klorofil 0,19-1250,33
mg/L, serta meningkat pada berat basah 93,39-99,49 g, panjang stolon
11,33-15,97 cm, panjang petiola 2,05-3,21 cm dan luas daun 1,12-8,56 cm2;
kelimpahan bakteri nitrifikasi pengoksidasi amonia (AOB) dan bakteri
pengoksidasi nitrat (NOB) meningkat pada rhizosfer E. crassipes. Efisiensi
tertinggi E. crassipes 86,14% fosfat dan 98,41% nitrat dengan retensi terendah
0,3-0,4 hari, serta tertinggi P. stratiotes 96,34% TSS, 97,20% kekeruhan dan
96,70% BOD. Kadar nitrat di akar lebih tinggi dibanding pada daun. Hasil
fitoremediasi menunjukkan toksik rendah, meningkatkan rata-rata telur
12,1-14,7, frekuensi bertelur 0,7 dan awal hari bertelur 3,5-3,6 hari, serta
peningkatan laju konsumsi oksigen 150,8-239,1 mg/g bb/jam C. carpio pada hasil
fitoremediasi E. crassipes. Hasil-hasil tertinggi sebagian besar diperoleh pada air
limbah domestik dari kolam anaerob dan fakultatif. Eichhornia crassipes dan
Pistia stratiotes adaptif pada air limbah domestik, berpotensi tinggi dalam
menurunkan polutan air limbah domestik dengan hasil fitoremediasinya toksik

Research has been done on the characteristics of Eichhornia crassipes
(Mart.) Solms and Pistia stratiotes L. in domestic wastewater and
phytoremediation results toxicity test. The study aims to determine anatomy,
physiology and ecology aspect, and the toxicity test of phytoremediation results
against Daphnia magna L. and Cyprinus carpio L. Materials placed on the outlet
in anaerobic, facultative and maturation ponds on Wastewater Treatment Plant
(WWTP) Bojongsoang Bandung for 14 days, and as phytoremediator for 10 days
using static methods. Acute toxicity tests and sub acute phytoremediation results
for D. magna reproduction for 2 days and the rate of oxygen consumption C.
carpio for 4 days. The results showed in E. crassipes and P. stratiotes most of the
decrease in root diameter 1.18-2.50 mm, stele 0.37-1.82 mm, cortex
0.30-0.65 mm, root length 0.05-5.21 cm and chlorophyll content 0.19-1250.33
mg/L, and the increase in wet weight 93.39-99.49 g, stolon length 11.33-15.97
cm, petiole length 2.05-3.21 cm and leaf area 1.12-8.56 cm2; abundance of
nitrifying ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and nitrate oxidizing bacteria
(NOB) is increased in the rhizosphere of E. crassipes. The highest efficiency of
E. crassipes 86.14% phosphate and 98.41% nitrate, and P. stratiotes 96.34% TSS,
97.20% turbidity and 96.70% BOD, and the lowest retention of 0.3-0.4 days.
Nitrate levels in roots was higher than in the leaves. Domestic wastewater toxicity
test phytoremediation results to D. magna and C. carpio showed low toxic. Subacute
toxicity tests on D. magna reproduction showed increase the average egg
2.1-14.7, the frequency spawn about 0.7 and earlier in the day spawn 3.5-3.6 days,
and increase in the rate of oxygen consumption 150.8-239.1 mg/g w/h C. carpio
on E. crassipes phytoremediation results. The results mostly takes place in the
wastewater from the anaerob and facultative ponds. Eichhornia crassipes and
Pistia stratiotes adaptive in domestic wastewater, high potential in reducing, Research has been done on the characteristics of Eichhornia crassipes
(Mart.) Solms and Pistia stratiotes L. in domestic wastewater and
phytoremediation results toxicity test. The study aims to determine anatomy,
physiology and ecology aspect, and the toxicity test of phytoremediation results
against Daphnia magna L. and Cyprinus carpio L. Materials placed on the outlet
in anaerobic, facultative and maturation ponds on Wastewater Treatment Plant
(WWTP) Bojongsoang Bandung for 14 days, and as phytoremediator for 10 days
using static methods. Acute toxicity tests and sub acute phytoremediation results
for D. magna reproduction for 2 days and the rate of oxygen consumption C.
carpio for 4 days. The results showed in E. crassipes and P. stratiotes most of the
decrease in root diameter 1.18-2.50 mm, stele 0.37-1.82 mm, cortex
0.30-0.65 mm, root length 0.05-5.21 cm and chlorophyll content 0.19-1250.33
mg/L, and the increase in wet weight 93.39-99.49 g, stolon length 11.33-15.97
cm, petiole length 2.05-3.21 cm and leaf area 1.12-8.56 cm2; abundance of
nitrifying ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and nitrate oxidizing bacteria
(NOB) is increased in the rhizosphere of E. crassipes. The highest efficiency of
E. crassipes 86.14% phosphate and 98.41% nitrate, and P. stratiotes 96.34% TSS,
97.20% turbidity and 96.70% BOD, and the lowest retention of 0.3-0.4 days.
Nitrate levels in roots was higher than in the leaves. Domestic wastewater toxicity
test phytoremediation results to D. magna and C. carpio showed low toxic. Subacute
toxicity tests on D. magna reproduction showed increase the average egg
2.1-14.7, the frequency spawn about 0.7 and earlier in the day spawn 3.5-3.6 days,
and increase in the rate of oxygen consumption 150.8-239.1 mg/g w/h C. carpio
on E. crassipes phytoremediation results. The results mostly takes place in the
wastewater from the anaerob and facultative ponds. Eichhornia crassipes and
Pistia stratiotes adaptive in domestic wastewater, high potential in reducing]

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Jenis Koleksi : UI - Disertasi Membership
No. Panggil : D1988
Entri utama-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama badan :
Program Studi :
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2014
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten :
Tipe Media :
Tipe Carrier :
Deskripsi Fisik : xvii, 139 pages : illustration ; 28 cm + appendix
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
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