ABSTRAKInovasi telah lama diakui sebagai sumber penting bagi pencapaian
keunggulan daya saing. Namun dalam industri asuransi terdapat perbedaan
pandangan terhadap konsep ini; beberapa pelaku industri telah menyadari
pentingnya inovasi sebagai sumber untuk mencapai pertumbuhan dan daya saing,
sementara sebagian lagi lebih memilih imitasi sebagai sumber untuk mencapai
keunggulan biaya rendah. Dalam upaya meneliti isu inovasi dalam industri
asuransi, studi ini memperluas studi Liao, Fei, dan Chen (2007) tentang hubungan
antara knowledge sharing dan kapasitas absorptif dan pengaruh positifnya
terhadap kapabilitas inovasi, dengan memasukkan faktor-faktor penghambat
inovasi ke dalam kerangka studinya; dan meneliti pengaruh positif kapabilitas
inovasi terhadap kinerja perusahaan (e.g.: Garcia-Morales, Llorens-Montes, &
Verdu-Jover, 2008).
Melalui analisis atas data riset dari 212 strategic business unit dari 64
perusahaan asuransi yang beroperasi di Indonesia, studi ini menemukan bahwa
faktor hambatan-inovasi berpengaruh negatif pada kapabilitas inovasi namun
hubungan sinergis antara knowledge sharing dan kapasitas absorptif dapat
mengeliminasi atau meminimalisasi pengaruh negatif tersebut. Studi ini juga
menemukan bahwa faktor-faktor hambatan-inovasi memiliki akarnya di luar
perusahaan namun harus ditangani dengan menggunakan sumber daya
pengetahuan internal. Temuan ini menimbulkan pertanyaan mengenai kebutuhan
untuk mengkaji ulang konsep manajemen pengetahuan dan knowledge sharing
agar tidak berfokus hanya pada pengetahuan internal tetapi perlu diperluas dengan
pengetahuan eksternal.
Studi ini menyarankan kepada pelaku industri asuransi di Indonesia untuk
segera meninggalkan strategi ?blind imitation? dan meningkatkan basis
pengetahuan melalui manajemen pengetahuan yang terintegrasi antara
pengetahuan internal dan pengetahuan eksternal; dan kepada regulator asuransi
agar memberikan arahan yang lebih tegas mengenai penggunaan dana pendidikan
dan latihan perusahaan asuransi pada pengetahuan state-of-the-art untuk tujuan
inovasi dalam upaya meningkatkan keunggulan daya saing perusahaanperusahaan
asuransi Indonesia di dalam negeri maupun di pasar regional atau
ABSTRACTInnovation has long been considered important source of competitive
advantage. However, in insurance industry innovation receives conflicting views
from the players; either as a critical source of growth and competitiveness, or
costly undertaking as opposed to low cost imitation. In investigating this issue,
this research extends the study of Liao, Fei, and Chen (2007) on the relationship
between knowledge sharing and absorptive capacity and its effect on innovation
capability, by incorporating innovation barriers into the framework; and the
influence of innovation capability on firm performance (e.g.: Garcia-Morales,
Llorens-Montes, & Verdu-Jover, 2008).
Research in this study, conducted on 212 strategic business units of 64
insurance companies in Indonesia, found that innovation barriers had negative
impact on innovation capability but the synergic relationship between knowledge
sharing and absorptive capacity could reduce such a negative influence. This
study also found that innovation barriers have their roots outside organization but
have to be dealt with by developing and enforcing internal knowledge sharing of
resources. The findings prompt a question of rethinking knowledge management
to not only focus on internal knowledge sharing but to include external knowledge
sharing in an integrated system.
This study recommends the Indonesian insurance industry to immediately
leave the 'blind imitation' strategy and enhance their knowledge base through an
integrated knowledge management between internal knowledge and external
knowledge; and the insurance regulators to provide more explicit direction
regarding the use of funds for insurance company?s education and training on
state-of-the-art knowledge for innovation purpose, in order to increase
competitive advantage of Indonesian insurance companies in domestic market as
well as in regional or international markets;Innovation has long been considered important source of competitive
advantage. However, in insurance industry innovation receives conflicting views
from the players; either as a critical source of growth and competitiveness, or
costly undertaking as opposed to low cost imitation. In investigating this issue,
this research extends the study of Liao, Fei, and Chen (2007) on the relationship
between knowledge sharing and absorptive capacity and its effect on innovation
capability, by incorporating innovation barriers into the framework; and the
influence of innovation capability on firm performance (e.g.: Garcia-Morales,
Llorens-Montes, & Verdu-Jover, 2008).
Research in this study, conducted on 212 strategic business units of 64
insurance companies in Indonesia, found that innovation barriers had negative
impact on innovation capability but the synergic relationship between knowledge
sharing and absorptive capacity could reduce such a negative influence. This
study also found that innovation barriers have their roots outside organization but
have to be dealt with by developing and enforcing internal knowledge sharing of
resources. The findings prompt a question of rethinking knowledge management
to not only focus on internal knowledge sharing but to include external knowledge
sharing in an integrated system.
This study recommends the Indonesian insurance industry to immediately
leave the 'blind imitation' strategy and enhance their knowledge base through an
integrated knowledge management between internal knowledge and external
knowledge; and the insurance regulators to provide more explicit direction
regarding the use of funds for insurance company?s education and training on
state-of-the-art knowledge for innovation purpose, in order to increase
competitive advantage of Indonesian insurance companies in domestic market as
well as in regional or international markets