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UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja :: Kembali

Independensi ruang pemberitaan tv (analisis mengenai independensi ruang pemberitaan Seputar Indonesia RCTI dalam kasus pemecatan produser untuk berita pilpres 2014) = Independence of newsroom tv (analysis of independence of newsroom Seputar Indonesia RCTI in expulsion case producer for the 2014 presidential election news)

Eky Wahyudi; Awang Ruswandi, supervisor (Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014)


Dalam dunia jurnalisme, indepedensi merupakan hal yang sangat penting. Independensi mensyaratkan jurnalis terbebas dari tekanan/ pengaruh apapun di luar kepentingan publik dan hati nurani si jurnalis ketika mencari dan menyampaikan informasi kepada publik. Tanpa adanya independensi sebuah berita akan dipenuhi dengan kepentingan-kepentingan pihak tertentu.
Kovach dan Rosenstiel (Kovach, 2001) menempatkan independensi sebagai prinsip atau elemen keempat jurnalisme. Independensi bagi jurnalis berada pada semangat dan pikirannya. Jurnalis seharusnya tidak netral melainkan bersikap dalam karyanya. Independensi diukur dari kredibilitas. Kredibilitas mereka berakar pada akurasi, verifikasi dan kepentingan publik yang lebih besar dan hasrat untuk menyampaikan informasi.
Independensi jurnalis semakin diuji ketika menghadapi pemilu. apalagi jika pemilik media ikut terjun dalam dunia politik. Tentunya akan berdampak pada ruang pemberitaan media tersebut karena akan terjadi konflik kepentingan. Hal ini yang terjadi pada RCTI pada saat Pemilihan Umum 2014.
Hasil dari analisis tulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa ruang pemberitaan seputar Indonesia melanggar Kode Etik Jurnalistik terutama mengenai prinsip independensi seperti pembatasan berita mengenai Jokowi, rangkap jabatan pemimpin redaksi RCTI sebagai tim sukses salah satu calon presiden hingga pemecatan terhadap produser program seputar Indonesia . Dewan pers pun memberikan teguran kepada RCTI melalui PPR Dewan Pers Nomor 27/ PPR-DP/ XI/ 2014

In the world of journalism, independency is very important. The independence requires journalists freed from the pressure / influence anything outside the public interest and conscience of the journalist when searching for and deliver information to the public. Without the independence of the news will be filled with the interests of certain parties.
Kovach and Rosenstiel (Kovach, 2001) puts independence as a principle or fourth element of journalism. The independence of journalists are in the spirit and mind. Journalists should not be neutral but in his work. Measured the independence of credibility. Their credibility rooted in accuracy, verification and greater public interest and desire to convey information.
The independence of journalists getting tested when the elections. especially if the owner of the media go jump in world politics. Will certainly have an impact on the media newsroom as it would be a conflict of interest. This is what happened on RCTI during 2014 elections.
The results of the analysis of this paper shows that the newsroom about Indonesia violated the Code of Ethics of Journalism, especially regarding the independence of such restrictions regarding Jokowi news, dual position as chief editor of RCTI successful team one of the presidential candidates to dismissal of the program producers around Indonesia. Press Council also give warning to RCTI through PPR Press Council No. 27 / PPR-DP / XI / 2014.;In the world of journalism, independency is very important. The independence requires journalists freed from the pressure / influence anything outside the public interest and conscience of the journalist when searching for and deliver information to the public. Without the independence of the news will be filled with the interests of certain parties.
Kovach and Rosenstiel (Kovach, 2001) puts independence as a principle or fourth element of journalism. The independence of journalists are in the spirit and mind. Journalists should not be neutral but in his work. Measured the independence of credibility. Their credibility rooted in accuracy, verification and greater public interest and desire to convey information.
The independence of journalists getting tested when the elections. especially if the owner of the media go jump in world politics. Will certainly have an impact on the media newsroom as it would be a conflict of interest. This is what happened on RCTI during 2014 elections.
The results of the analysis of this paper shows that the newsroom about Indonesia violated the Code of Ethics of Journalism, especially regarding the independence of such restrictions regarding Jokowi news, dual position as chief editor of RCTI successful team one of the presidential candidates to dismissal of the program producers around Indonesia. Press Council also give warning to RCTI through PPR Press Council No. 27 / PPR-DP / XI / 2014., In the world of journalism, independency is very important. The independence requires journalists freed from the pressure / influence anything outside the public interest and conscience of the journalist when searching for and deliver information to the public. Without the independence of the news will be filled with the interests of certain parties.
Kovach and Rosenstiel (Kovach, 2001) puts independence as a principle or fourth element of journalism. The independence of journalists are in the spirit and mind. Journalists should not be neutral but in his work. Measured the independence of credibility. Their credibility rooted in accuracy, verification and greater public interest and desire to convey information.
The independence of journalists getting tested when the elections. especially if the owner of the media go jump in world politics. Will certainly have an impact on the media newsroom as it would be a conflict of interest. This is what happened on RCTI during 2014 elections.
The results of the analysis of this paper shows that the newsroom about Indonesia violated the Code of Ethics of Journalism, especially regarding the independence of such restrictions regarding Jokowi news, dual position as chief editor of RCTI successful team one of the presidential candidates to dismissal of the program producers around Indonesia. Press Council also give warning to RCTI through PPR Press Council No. 27 / PPR-DP / XI / 2014.]

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Jenis Koleksi : UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja
No. Panggil : MK-PDF
Entri utama-Nama orang :
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Entri tambahan-Nama badan :
Program Studi :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified]: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan :
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : computer (rdamediated)
Tipe Carrier : online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : 25 pages
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
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