ABSTRAKKemunculan karakter perempuan sebagai seorang pahlawan dalam film-film masa kini tidak dapat diabaikan. Kehadiran pahlawan perempuan mulai menjadi penting seperti pahlawan laki-laki pada umumnya. Pentingnya keberadaan pahlawan perempuan, terutama dalam film mengenai abad pertengahan dan film fantasi, membuat beberapa peneliti melakukan beberapa penelitian untuk menganalisa hal ini. Untuk berpatisipasi dalam studi mengenai pahlawan perempuan di dalam film fantasi dan abad pertengahan, tulisan ini ditulis dalam rangka menganalisa salah satu tokoh pahlawan perempuan dalam film seri yang berjudul Game of Throne, terutama pada seri ke-3. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk melihat posisi pahlawan perempuan tersebut terhadap karakter laki-laki dan posisinya dalam lingkungan dengan menggunakan teori female grotesque, teori dekonstrusi oleh Jacques Derrida, teori relasi kuasa oleh Henry, dan teori mengenai karakteristik pahlawan oleh Hourihan. Hasil dari analisis ini menunjukkan bahwan Brienne of Tarth sebagai pahlawan perempuan dalam seri Game of Thrones belum mendapatkan kesetaraan atau bersikap mandiri terhadap karakter laki-laki.
ABSTRACTThe emergence of female character as a Hero, or it is usually called a Heroine, in movies nowadays cannot be neglected. The presence of the Heroine in movies starts to be as important as Hero characters. The significance of Heroines? existence, especially in medieval fantasy movies, makes some researchers do a lot of studies to analyze this. To participate in the study about Heroine?s position in medieval fantasy movies, this paper is written in order to examine a heroine character in Game of Thrones series, especially in season 3. The purpose of this writing is to see the position of that heroine toward other male characters and surroundings by using theories about female grotesque, deconstruction by Jacques Derrida, power relation by Henry, and hero characteristics by Hourihan. The result of this analysis shows that Brienne of Tarth as a heroine in Game of Thrones series has not got the equality and independency toward male characters.;The emergence of female character as a Hero, or it is usually called a Heroine, in movies nowadays cannot be neglected. The presence of the Heroine in movies starts to be as important as Hero characters. The significance of Heroines? existence, especially in medieval fantasy movies, makes some researchers do a lot of studies to analyze this. To participate in the study about Heroine?s position in medieval fantasy movies, this paper is written in order to examine a heroine character in Game of Thrones series, especially in season 3. The purpose of this writing is to see the position of that heroine toward other male characters and surroundings by using theories about female grotesque, deconstruction by Jacques Derrida, power relation by Henry, and hero characteristics by Hourihan. The result of this analysis shows that Brienne of Tarth as a heroine in Game of Thrones series has not got the equality and independency toward male characters., The emergence of female character as a Hero, or it is usually called a Heroine, in movies nowadays cannot be neglected. The presence of the Heroine in movies starts to be as important as Hero characters. The significance of Heroines’ existence, especially in medieval fantasy movies, makes some researchers do a lot of studies to analyze this. To participate in the study about Heroine’s position in medieval fantasy movies, this paper is written in order to examine a heroine character in Game of Thrones series, especially in season 3. The purpose of this writing is to see the position of that heroine toward other male characters and surroundings by using theories about female grotesque, deconstruction by Jacques Derrida, power relation by Henry, and hero characteristics by Hourihan. The result of this analysis shows that Brienne of Tarth as a heroine in Game of Thrones series has not got the equality and independency toward male characters.]