ABSTRAKPenelitian ini untuk menganalisa tentang Orientalisme, pertukaran budaya, dan isu feminisme di dalam pencarian identitas seseorang. Diangkat dari sebuah novel berjudul The Woman Warrior yang ditulis oleh Maxine Hong Kingston. Novel ini bercerita tentang seorang gadis Tionghoa yang hidup di Amerika dan mengalami kebingungan akan identitas dirinya. Teori yang digunakan meliputi sejarah, sosiologi, dan feminisme. Teori-teori tersebut berkaitan dengan topik yang diangkat dalam penulisan ini, yaitu menganalisa kehidupan seorang gadis dalam konteks sejarah dan budaya Cina dan Amerika. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Kingston terus menerus dilanda kebingungan akan identitasnya, Tionghoa atau Amerika. Ibunya meminta Kingston untuk menjaga tradisi Tionghoa yang sudah diwariskan kepadanya, tetapi lingkungan sosialnya memaksa Kingston untuk beradaptasi. Ilustrasi ini menggambarkan kesulitan mencari jalan tengah untuk kedua budaya yang jauh berbeda dan pengaruh masa lalu ke perkembangan gender dan identitas etnis.
ABSTRACTThis study is to analyze the Orientalism, cross cultural and feminine issues in order to find someone?s identity in The Woman Warrior, a novel written by Maxine Hong Kingston, since this novel talks about a Chinese girl who lives in America and is confused about her identity. The theoretical approach will be historical, sociological and feminist theories because they are related to the study which is to analyze a woman's life in the historical and cultural context of Chinese - American society. The result shows that Kingston is still confused to which identity she belongs to, Chinese or American. Her mother asks her to keep her Chinese tradition culture. On the other hand, her society pushes her to adapt the American culture. The narratives illustrate the impossible task of negotiating two different cultures and finding a balance to construct gender and ethnic identity. Finally, in all of narratives a similar thread reappears in the form of the past and its influence on the progression of their gender and ethnic identities.;This study is to analyze the Orientalism, cross cultural and feminine issues in order to find someone?s identity in The Woman Warrior, a novel written by Maxine Hong Kingston, since this novel talks about a Chinese girl who lives in America and is confused about her identity. The theoretical approach will be historical, sociological and feminist theories because they are related to the study which is to analyze a woman's life in the historical and cultural context of Chinese - American society. The result shows that Kingston is still confused to which identity she belongs to, Chinese or American. Her mother asks her to keep her Chinese tradition culture. On the other hand, her society pushes her to adapt the American culture. The narratives illustrate the impossible task of negotiating two different cultures and finding a balance to construct gender and ethnic identity. Finally, in all of narratives a similar thread reappears in the form of the past and its influence on the progression of their gender and ethnic identities., This study is to analyze the Orientalism, cross cultural and feminine issues in order to find someone’s identity in The Woman Warrior, a novel written by Maxine Hong Kingston, since this novel talks about a Chinese girl who lives in America and is confused about her identity. The theoretical approach will be historical, sociological and feminist theories because they are related to the study which is to analyze a woman's life in the historical and cultural context of Chinese - American society. The result shows that Kingston is still confused to which identity she belongs to, Chinese or American. Her mother asks her to keep her Chinese tradition culture. On the other hand, her society pushes her to adapt the American culture. The narratives illustrate the impossible task of negotiating two different cultures and finding a balance to construct gender and ethnic identity. Finally, in all of narratives a similar thread reappears in the form of the past and its influence on the progression of their gender and ethnic identities.]