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UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja :: Kembali

Prototype program reality cooking show "resep nenek" = Prototype of reality cooking show program "resep nenek"

Clara Pramestika Larasati; Rizki Taufik Rakhman, supervisor ([Publisher not identified] , 2014)


Analisis Situasi
Interaksi dan keharmonisan anggota keluarga khususnya antara nenek dan cucu semakin terkikis dewasa ini. Menurut penelitian, komunikasi yang terjalin dengan baik antara nenek dengan cucu dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup kedua belah pihak. Oleh karena itu, penulis memutuskan untuk membuat acara reality cooking show yang dapat memberikan gambaran mengenai hubungan ideal nenek dan cucu.
Manfaat dan Tujuan Pengembangan Pilot Episode
Manfaat utama pengembangan pilot episode Resep Nenek adalah menjadi alternatif tayangan memasak yang tidak hanya menghibur tetapi juga informatif, inspiratif, dan hangat. Sedangkan tujuan utama pengembangan pilot episode adalah memberikan gambaran ideal mengenai keharmonisan interaksi antara nenek dan cucu melalui kegiatan sehari-hari seperti memasak.
Pilot Episode yang dikembangkan
Pilot episode yang dikembangkan adalah program reality cooking show yang berjudul ?Resep Nenek?. Program ini akan menampilkan kegiatan dari pasangan nenek dan cucu yang salah satu atau keduanya merupakan selebriti. Pasangan nenek dan cucu ini akan memasak resep khas dari sang nenek.
Pre-test dilakukan dengan riset pustaka, survey berbentuk kuesioner, dan wawancara programmer NET TV. Sedangkan untuk evaluasi rencananya akan diadakan FGD terhadap 10 partisipan yang merupakan target khalayak
Anggaran pembuatan pilot episode ini sebesar Rp 768.000,- Sedangkan rencana anggaran produksi untuk satu episode sebesar Rp 109.560.000,- Perkiraan pendapatan yang diraih sebesar Rp 243.200.000,- Rencana anggaran evaluasi sebesar Rp 850.000,-

Situation Analysis
Interaction and the harmony of family members, especially between grandmother and granddaughter are increasingly eroded today. According to research, a good communication that established between the grandmother and grandchildren can improve the quality of life of both parties. Therefore, the authors decided to make a reality cooking show that can provide a picture of the ideal relationship grandmother and granddaughter.
Benefits and Goals of the Developing Pilot Episode
The main benefit of this pilot project is to make an alternative cooking show which not only entertain but also informative, inspiring, and give warmth. The main purpose of this pilot episode is to create an ideal image of the warm interaction between a grandmother and her grandchild in a daily activity such as cooking together.
Pilot Episode yang dikembangkan
The developed pilot episode is a reality cooking show entitled ?Resep Nenek?. This program will show how the celebrity grandmother or grandchildren cook together the signature grandmother?s recipe.
The pre-test has been done by the literature research, survey, and interview with the programmer of NET TV. Meanwhile the evaluation will be done by FGD between 10 participant who was the target audience of this program.
The cost of the pilot episode production is Rp 768.000,- The media publishing plan for each episode costs Rp 109.560.000,- and the prediction of revenue this program will get is Rp 243.200.000,-. The estimated cost of the FGD evaluation is Rp 850.000,-.;EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Situation Analysis
Interaction and the harmony of family members, especially between grandmother and granddaughter are increasingly eroded today. According to research, a good communication that established between the grandmother and grandchildren can improve the quality of life of both parties. Therefore, the authors decided to make a reality cooking show that can provide a picture of the ideal relationship grandmother and granddaughter.
Benefits and Goals of the Developing Pilot Episode
The main benefit of this pilot project is to make an alternative cooking show which not only entertain but also informative, inspiring, and give warmth. The main purpose of this pilot episode is to create an ideal image of the warm interaction between a grandmother and her grandchild in a daily activity such as cooking together.
Pilot Episode yang dikembangkan
The developed pilot episode is a reality cooking show entitled ?Resep Nenek?. This program will show how the celebrity grandmother or grandchildren cook together the signature grandmother?s recipe.
The pre-test has been done by the literature research, survey, and interview with the programmer of NET TV. Meanwhile the evaluation will be done by FGD between 10 participant who was the target audience of this program.
The cost of the pilot episode production is Rp 768.000,- The media publishing plan for each episode costs Rp 109.560.000,- and the prediction of revenue this program will get is Rp 243.200.000,-. The estimated cost of the FGD evaluation is Rp 850.000,-., EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Situation Analysis
Interaction and the harmony of family members, especially between grandmother and granddaughter are increasingly eroded today. According to research, a good communication that established between the grandmother and grandchildren can improve the quality of life of both parties. Therefore, the authors decided to make a reality cooking show that can provide a picture of the ideal relationship grandmother and granddaughter.
Benefits and Goals of the Developing Pilot Episode
The main benefit of this pilot project is to make an alternative cooking show which not only entertain but also informative, inspiring, and give warmth. The main purpose of this pilot episode is to create an ideal image of the warm interaction between a grandmother and her grandchild in a daily activity such as cooking together.
Pilot Episode yang dikembangkan
The developed pilot episode is a reality cooking show entitled “Resep Nenek”. This program will show how the celebrity grandmother or grandchildren cook together the signature grandmother’s recipe.
The pre-test has been done by the literature research, survey, and interview with the programmer of NET TV. Meanwhile the evaluation will be done by FGD between 10 participant who was the target audience of this program.
The cost of the pilot episode production is Rp 768.000,- The media publishing plan for each episode costs Rp 109.560.000,- and the prediction of revenue this program will get is Rp 243.200.000,-. The estimated cost of the FGD evaluation is Rp 850.000,-.]

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Jenis Koleksi : UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja
No. Panggil : TA-PDF
Entri utama-Nama orang :
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Program Studi :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2014
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : computer
Tipe Carrier : online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : xv, 40 pages ; 30 cm + appendix
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
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