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UI - Tugas Akhir :: Kembali

Program marketing public relations untuk meningkatkan citra merek lucky tours = Marketing public relations program to improve brand image of lucky tours / Gabby Evitho

Gabby Evitho; Manalu, Margareta, supervisor; Bambang Wachyudianto, examiner; Narang, Bernika Yustisiana, examiner ([Publisher not identified] , 2014)


Profil Perusahaan
Lucky Tours merupakan salah satu agen tour dan travel, yang bertempat di Jalan Ternate no.28 D, Jakarta. Didirikan di Jakarta pada tanggal 16 Oktober 2001 oleh PT. Lucky Wisata Indah, Lucky Tours dipimpin oleh pasangan suami-istri, Latif Tanamas dan Kurnia Ningsih.
Berawal dari kesukaan terhadap traveling, pasangan suami-istri tersebut akhirnya mendirikan Lucky Tours sebagai bisnis mereka. Selama 13 tahun ini, Lucky Tours telah menjadi perusahaan yang maju dan mandiri. Lucky Tours didukung oleh tenaga kerja yang profesional dan berpengalaman di bidang pariwisata, serta didukung dengan sistem jaringan penerbangan yang berkualitas.
Analisis SWOT
Strengths (Kekuatan)
Adanya pilihan mengatur perjalanan wisata yang disesuaikan dengan biaya klien. Hal ini menjadi suatu kelebihan karena bisnis biro perjalanan sudah memiliki paket-paket tour yang telah disiapkan, khalayak hanya diperbolehkan memilih dari paket yang sudah ada.
Tergabung dalam ASTINDO, yaitu Asosiasi Perusahaan Penjual Tiket Penerbangan dan ASITA (Association of The Indonesian Tours & Travel Agencies), serta IATA (International Air Transport Association) dimana posisi Lucky Tours sudah terjamin dan terpercaya.
Layanan 24 jam untuk klien via telepon. Klien akan mendapatkan servis selama 24 jam dari Lucky Tours dalam berwisata.
Pembayaran dapat dilakukan melalui transfer via ATM dan kartu kredit, sehingga memudahkan khalayak untuk menggunakan jasa Lucky Tours.
Weaknesses (Kelemahan)
Rendahnya citra Lucky Tours di mata khalayaknya.
Tidak memiliki divisi PR yang bertugas untuk menjalankan fungsinya.
Kegiatan promosi dan publikasi yang minim.
Website tidak dikelola dengan baik dan tidak memiliki akun media sosial sehingga promosi dan publikasi online kurang berjalan.
Belum memiliki kantor cabang sehingga akses khalayak hanya ke kantor di Jl. Ternate no.28 D, Jakarta saja.
Paket wisata yang kurang beragam.
Opportunities (Kesempatan)
Tren pengeluaran biaya untuk traveling pada masyarakat Indonesia meningkat setiap tahunnya.
Kondisi kelas ekonomi menengah masyarakat Indonesia semakin meningkat.
Terdapat khalayak yang tidak memiliki waktu untuk melakukan riset perjalanan wisata.
Threats (Ancaman)
Terdapat tour dan travel lainnya yang lebih terkenal dibandingkan Lucky Tours. Kompetitor dari Lucky Tours adalah Avia Tour, Wita Tour, dan Obaja Tour (dipilih berdasarkan kesamaan jasa).
Terdapat komunitas backpacker Indonesia, yaitu wadah yang menjembatani para traveller untuk berwisata dengan biaya yang lebih murah karena menggunakan sistem sharing cost.
Pernyataan Masalah
Rendahnya citra Lucky Tours di mata khalayak.
Usulan Program
Pembentukan Divisi PR
MPR melalui website dan media sosial
Special event
Tujuan Program
Meningkatkan citra Lucky positif secara positif dan mengedukasi khalayak mengenai layanan yang diberikan oleh Lucky Tours.
Khalayak Sasaran
Geografis: Berdomisili di Jakarta Utara dan Jakarta Selatan
Demografis: Laki-laki dan perempuan berusia 20-34 tahun, dengan tingkat SES pengeluaran (Socio Economic Status) A (>3.000.000) sampai SES B (2.000.000-3.000.000), berlatar pendidikan SMA, S1, S2, S3, dan yang bekerja.
Psikografis: Memiliki gaya hidup suka berwisata (minimal 3 kali dalam setahun), memiliki smartphone, menggunakan media sosial rata-rata 3 jam/hari, terbuka terhadap hal baru.
Behavioral: Mencari nilai tambah dalam melakukan transaksi.
Pesan Kunci
Lucky Tours: Get more value behind your lucky journey?, yang memiliki arti bahwa Lucky Tours adalah tour dan travel yang memberikan nilai tambah untuk mementingkan kepuasan khalayaknya dalam menggunakan jasa Lucky Tours.
Rp 425.350.000
Tahapan evaluasi yang digunakan adalah:
1. Tahap Input
Tahap Output
Tahap Outcomes
Setiap tahap memiliki tolok ukur dan instrumen masing- masing.

Company Profile
Lucky Tours is a tour and travel agent at Jl. Ternate no.28 D, Jakarta. Established in Jakarta on October 16, 2001 by PT. Lucky Wisata Indah, Lucky Tours led by married couples, Latif Tanamas and Kurnia Ningsih.
Starting from a hobby for traveling, Latif and Kurnia make it turn to business. During these 13 years, Lucky Tours has become a company that developed and independent. Lucky Tours supported by skilled and experienced professionals who work in the field of tourism, and supported by qualified flight network system.
SWOT Analysis
There?s a choice to customize your own trip, which fit with your budget. This is strength because usually another tour and travel has already fix package, and audiences can only choose that.
Incorporated in ASTINDO (Asosiasi Perusahaan Penjual Tiket Penerbangan), ASITA (Association of The Indonesian Tours & Travel Agencies), and IATA (International Air Transport Association) which Lucky Tours?s position has already guaranted and trusted.
24-hour service for client via phone. Client will get 24-hour service from Lucky Tours during the trip. Agent of Lucky Tours will always be ready to answer every question and help clients.
Payment by transfer ATM and credit card
The low image of Lucky Tours
Don?t have PR division who has the responsibility to run their function.
The minimum activities of promotion and publication.
Not maintain the website well and not having any social media yet, so promotion and online publication not running often.
Not have branch offices, so that client?s access to Lucky Tours only at Jl. Ternate no.28 D, Jakarta.
Not various travel packages.
A trends expense for traveling on Indonesian society is increasing every year.
The increase of middle economic class in Indonesian society.
There are audiences that do not have the time to do research for travel.
There are other tour and travels which more famous than Lucky Tours. Competitors of Lucky Tours are Avia Tour, Wita Tour, and Obaja Tour (selected based on similarity services).
There is Indonesia backpacker community. It is a place where traveler can travel with cheaper cost because cost-sharing system.
The low image of Lucky Tours in audience sight.
Establishment of PR division
MPR through website and social media
Special event
Improving the positive image and educate the audiences about Lucky Tours?s services.
Target Audiences
Geographic: Based in North Jakarta and South Jakarta
Demographic: Men and women aged 20-34 years, with the level of SES in spending (Socio Economic Status) A (> Rp 3.000.000) until the SES B (Rp 2.000.000-Rp 3.000.000), set in a high school education, S1, S2, S3, and worked.
Psychographic: Having a lifestyle to travel (at least 3 times a year), have a smartphone, using social media with an average of 3 hours / day, open to new things.
Behavioral: Looking for value-added in the transaction.
Key Message
Lucky Tours: Get more value behind your lucky journey?, which means Lucky Tours is a tour and travel which give more value to prioritize the satisfaction of audiences.
Rp 425.350.000
The evaluation stages:
1. Input
Each stage has indicator and instrument. , EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
Company Profile
Lucky Tours is a tour and travel agent at Jl. Ternate no.28 D, Jakarta. Established in Jakarta on October 16, 2001 by PT. Lucky Wisata Indah, Lucky Tours led by married couples, Latif Tanamas and Kurnia Ningsih.
Starting from a hobby for traveling, Latif and Kurnia make it turn to business. During these 13 years, Lucky Tours has become a company that developed and independent. Lucky Tours supported by skilled and experienced professionals who work in the field of tourism, and supported by qualified flight network system.
SWOT Analysis
There’s a choice to customize your own trip, which fit with your budget. This is strength because usually another tour and travel has already fix package, and audiences can only choose that.
Incorporated in ASTINDO (Asosiasi Perusahaan Penjual Tiket Penerbangan), ASITA (Association of The Indonesian Tours & Travel Agencies), and IATA (International Air Transport Association) which Lucky Tours’s position has already guaranted and trusted.
24-hour service for client via phone. Client will get 24-hour service from Lucky Tours during the trip. Agent of Lucky Tours will always be ready to answer every question and help clients.
Payment by transfer ATM and credit card
The low image of Lucky Tours
Don’t have PR division who has the responsibility to run their function.
The minimum activities of promotion and publication.
Not maintain the website well and not having any social media yet, so promotion and online publication not running often.
Not have branch offices, so that client’s access to Lucky Tours only at Jl. Ternate no.28 D, Jakarta.
Not various travel packages.
A trends expense for traveling on Indonesian society is increasing every year.
The increase of middle economic class in Indonesian society.
There are audiences that do not have the time to do research for travel.
There are other tour and travels which more famous than Lucky Tours. Competitors of Lucky Tours are Avia Tour, Wita Tour, and Obaja Tour (selected based on similarity services).
There is Indonesia backpacker community. It is a place where traveler can travel with cheaper cost because cost-sharing system.
The low image of Lucky Tours in audience sight.
Establishment of PR division
MPR through website and social media
Special event
Improving the positive image and educate the audiences about Lucky Tours’s services.
Target Audiences
Geographic: Based in North Jakarta and South Jakarta
Demographic: Men and women aged 20-34 years, with the level of SES in spending (Socio Economic Status) A (> Rp 3.000.000) until the SES B (Rp 2.000.000-Rp 3.000.000), set in a high school education, S1, S2, S3, and worked.
Psychographic: Having a lifestyle to travel (at least 3 times a year), have a smartphone, using social media with an average of 3 hours / day, open to new things.
Behavioral: Looking for value-added in the transaction.
Key Message
“Lucky Tours: Get more value behind your lucky journey”, which means Lucky Tours is a tour and travel which give more value to prioritize the satisfaction of audiences.
Rp 425.350.000
The evaluation stages:
1. Input
Each stage has indicator and instrument. ]

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Jenis Koleksi : UI - Tugas Akhir
No. Panggil : TA-pdf
Entri utama-Nama orang :
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Program Studi :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2014
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : computer
Tipe Carrier : online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : xv, 56 pages ; 28 cm + appendix
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
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