The role of record and archives management has existed for a long time, even before the birth of the State of Indonesia, precisely the Dutch colonial period. During the VOC period, archives in the Nusantara archipelago merely refers to the custom prevailing in the Dutch archives system, namely the enactment of the agenda system. When the period of Hindia Belanda Government, archival law was created in the Netherlands and its colonies. It's Koninklijk belsuit van den, 4 September 1823 number 7. in the republic period shown three Act in three area. First one is Presidential Regulation number 19/1961 or Act Prps. Number 19/1961 about principles of the National Archives, in the Old era; second the Act number 7/1971 about basic provisions archives in the new era; third the Act number 43/2009 about record-archives management in Reform era.