In response to the rapid information demand, developing digital library provided with global information access in Islamic Boarding Schools is necessarily needed. In managing the digital library development in Islamic Boarding Schools it needs a set of successful elemnts which are: support capacity and value. In this term, support element covers the following points: 1) The allocation of resources such as human beings, financial, power, time, information, etc. 2) The development of supporting infrastructures in order to make a conductive environment, 3) compherensive socialization towards all studentas and sorrounding society evenly, continually and compherensively in order to establish and develop digital library service system. The second element is capacity which refers to the skill and ability of the leaders, supervisors, teachers, and students in establishing and developing the digital library. The third element is added value which means that digital library must have added values which can be provided along with the ideas inestablishing and developing digital library in Islamic Boarding Schools.