PNS described having a low level of professionalism, service capability that is not optimal, low
levels of reliability, assurance, tangibility, empathy and responsiveness, do not have this level of
integrity as government ofiicials so as not to have an emotional tie to the agency force and duties,
authority abuse height (KKN), a low level of well-being and is not associated with education level,
performance, productivity and discipline. These conditions have an impact on the performance of
low PNS in discharging its duties and obligations in serving the community. One of the causes of
poor performance in delivering public services PNS is weak PNS management itself, which began in
the planning up to the cessation of PNS findings indicate the need for changes in management
aspects of civil servants in the district should be formulated in a clear and decisive in the
formulation of the law regulating the civil servants in the district and institutional framework that
functionally perform management activities / management of state oflicials.