ABSTRAKUntuk meningkatkan kemampuan baterai sekunder, pemahaman mengenai
bahan elektroda dan elektrolit harus ditingkatkan. Bahan elektroda negatif yang
banyak digunakan adalah grafit, sedangkan elektroda positif yang banyak
digunakan adalah LiCoO2. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengamatan
mikrostruktur LiCoO2 komersial. Pada LiCoO2 diberikan pembebanan( 5, 10 dan
15 GPa), pemanasan (60oC, 150oC, dan 200oC) dan pemanasan secara in situ (25,
60, 70, 75, 80, 90, 100 dan 115oC) yang selanjutnya dilakukan pengujian
kristalografi menggunakan teknik difraksi sinar-x. Selanjutnya dilakukan
refinement terhadap data hasil difraksi sinar-x menggunakan GSAS-EXPGUI.
Dari hasil refinement diperoleh data perubahan parameter kisi, occupancy, dan
density. Nilai occupancy, dan density semakin menurun dengan meningkatnya
nilai pembebanan dan meningkatnya suhu pemanasan. Pada penelitian ini juga
teramati adanya prefered orientation pada bidang (003) dan delithiasi yang
ditandai dengan penurunan nilai occupancy Li akibat pembebanan dan
ABSTRACTIn order to increase the secondary battery?s ability, the understanding of
electrode and electrolit has to be improved. The negative electrode material which
is commonly used is grafit, as for the positive electrode, it is LiCoO2. In this
research, microstructure LiCoO2 commercial observation will be done. On
LiCoO2, imposition ( 5,10 and 15 GPa), heating (60oC, 150oC, and 200oC), and
heating with in situ (25, 60, 70, 75, 80, 90, 100 and 115oC) are given, and then
crystallography using x-ray diffraction technique is tested. Next, refinement to the
data of x-ray diffraction result is done by using GSAS-EXPGUI. The data of grid
parameter, occupancy, and density are obtained from the result of refinement. The
rate of occupancy and density become lower as the imposition?s rate and the
heating temperature increase. In this research, there are also prefered orientation
on field (003) and delithiasi which are marked with the decreasing of occupancy
Li rate due to the imposition and heating., In order to increase the secondary battery’s ability, the understanding of
electrode and electrolit has to be improved. The negative electrode material which
is commonly used is grafit, as for the positive electrode, it is LiCoO2. In this
research, microstructure LiCoO2 commercial observation will be done. On
LiCoO2, imposition ( 5,10 and 15 GPa), heating (60oC, 150oC, and 200oC), and
heating with in situ (25, 60, 70, 75, 80, 90, 100 and 115oC) are given, and then
crystallography using x-ray diffraction technique is tested. Next, refinement to the
data of x-ray diffraction result is done by using GSAS-EXPGUI. The data of grid
parameter, occupancy, and density are obtained from the result of refinement. The
rate of occupancy and density become lower as the imposition’s rate and the
heating temperature increase. In this research, there are also prefered orientation
on field (003) and delithiasi which are marked with the decreasing of occupancy
Li rate due to the imposition and heating.]