[Skripsi ini membahas mengenai Pusat Kesenian Jakarta Taman Ismail Marzuki menumbuhkan kreativitas seniman Jakarta pada masa Orde Baru. Orde Baru dimulai dengan membawa semangat baru adanya kebebasan ekspresi dan kreativitas. Adanya perubahan situasi politik mengakibatkan tatanan kehidupan menjadi dibatasi, termasuk kesenian. Oleh karena itu, skripsi ini menampilkan kesenian yang berhasil berkembang di PKJ-TIM, serta menampilkan PKJ-TIM sebagai oase di tengah masyarakat Jakarta yang terjebak di antara kehidupan metropolitan dan tekanan pemerintah, serta memenuhi harapan seniman terciptanya wadah berkreasi. Melalui pengkajian terhadap sumber tertulis seperti surat kabar, majalah, dan wawancara dapat menunjukan bagaimana PKJ-TIM berdiri dengan kokoh mengembangkan kesenian di tengah tekanan politik Orde Baru., This thesis focused on Taman Ismail Marzuki as Jakarta's first arts center, which caused several changes on artists' creativity during the New Order Era. This era was meant to start with the new spirit related to the freedom of expression and creativity. But, the changing of political situation arose confinement of social life system, including arts. Therefore, this thesis are not only showing how Jakarta's artists and their work survive the change, but also bringing the arts center forward as an oasis in the middle of the Jakarta people whose life were trapped in between the metropolitan lifestyle and the government's pressure, as well as fulfilling the need of an art space that had been desired the most lately. Through observing sources as newspapers, magazines, and interviews, this thesis are expected to show how the arts center established and developed arts and creativities in the middle of New Order’s tight political control.]