ABSTRAKSkripsi ini membahas mengenai penyelenggaraan asuransi perjalanan di Indonesia
terutama penggunaanya untuk kegiatan pariwisata. Tujuan dari penelitian ini
adalah untuk mengetahui pengaturan penyelenggaraan asuransi perjalanan, apa
saja risiko yang ditanggung oleh asuransi perjalanan, dan bagaimana peran
penting nya dalam kegiatan wisata serta kemungkinan asuransi perjalanan
diwajibkan untuk wisatawan domestik maupun mancanegara di Indonesia.
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif, dimana dalam pengumpulan data selain
dari studi literatur juga melalui wawancara dengan narasumber. Dari sana
ditemukan bahwa tidak ada aturan khusus terkait produk asuransi perjalanan.
Adapun dalam pelaksanaannya, penulis menyarankan perlu diadakan sosialisasi
dan edukasi terkait manfaat asuransi perjalanan untuk kegiatan wisata, dan
diperlukan pengaturan yang memerintahkan penutupan asuransi perjalanan oleh
pelaku usaha pariwisata untuk melindungi wisatawan domestik dan mewajibkan
asuransi perjalanan untuk wisatawan mancanegara.;This undergraduate thesis examines about travel insurance in Indonesia, especially
towards its implementation for tourism activities. The purpose of this research is
to understand how the regulation of travel insurance in Indonesia, what kind of
risk that covered by travel insurance, how its important role for tour activities, and
also the possibility of mandatory travel insurance either for inbound or outbound
tourist in Indonesia. This research is qualitative research, which was in data
collecting aside use literature study , also through deep interview. As the result, it
had been found that there is no specific regulation related to travel insurance. And
then, for its implementation, the researcher sugests that should be more
socialization and education about the importance of travel insurance for tourism
activities and it’s required to have further regulation about insurance covering by
tourism businessman to protect domestic tourist and make travel insurance
compulsory for outbound tourist.ist;This undergraduate thesis examines about travel insurance in Indonesia, especially
towards its implementation for tourism activities. The purpose of this research is
to understand how the regulation of travel insurance in Indonesia, what kind of
risk that covered by travel insurance, how its important role for tour activities, and
also the possibility of mandatory travel insurance either for inbound or outbound
tourist in Indonesia. This research is qualitative research, which was in data
collecting aside use literature study , also through deep interview. As the result, it
had been found that there is no specific regulation related to travel insurance. And
then, for its implementation, the researcher sugests that should be more
socialization and education about the importance of travel insurance for tourism
activities and it’s required to have further regulation about insurance covering by
tourism businessman to protect domestic tourist and make travel insurance
compulsory for outbound tourist.ist, This undergraduate thesis examines about travel insurance in Indonesia, especially
towards its implementation for tourism activities. The purpose of this research is
to understand how the regulation of travel insurance in Indonesia, what kind of
risk that covered by travel insurance, how its important role for tour activities, and
also the possibility of mandatory travel insurance either for inbound or outbound
tourist in Indonesia. This research is qualitative research, which was in data
collecting aside use literature study , also through deep interview. As the result, it
had been found that there is no specific regulation related to travel insurance. And
then, for its implementation, the researcher sugests that should be more
socialization and education about the importance of travel insurance for tourism
activities and it’s required to have further regulation about insurance covering by
tourism businessman to protect domestic tourist and make travel insurance
compulsory for outbound tourist.ist]