ABSTRAKMalaria merupakan salah satu penyakit yang sering terjadi di negara tropis dan
subtropis. Penyakit malaria banyak terjadi di sebagian besar wilayah Indonesia,
seperti Irian Jaya, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) dan Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT).
Berdasarkan data terakhir WHO pada tahun 2013, tercatat sebanyak 198 juta
kasus malaria di seluruh dunia, dengan jumlah kematian sebanyak 584.000 jiwa.
Pengobatan yang pernah ada untuk jenis malaria Plasmodium falciparum adalah
klorokuin, sulfadoksin – pirimetamin, kinin, meflokuin dan artemisinin. Akan
tetapi, meningkatnya resistensi parasit pada obat antimalaria, melemahkan upaya
pengendalian malaria. Penambatan molekuler sebagai salah satu metode
pendekatan in silico telah digunakan pada pencarian senyawa berkhasiat untuk
menangani malaria. Dalam satu dekade terakhir, diketahui bahwa senyawa
turunan kurkumin memiliki efek sinergis dengan artemisinin terhadap
Plasmodium berghei secara in vivo. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan penambatan
molekuler senyawa turunan kurkumin baru terhadap enzim target antimalaria.
Penambatan dilakukan menggunakan piranti lunak AutoDock. Berdasarkan hasil
penambatan, didapatkan senyawa terbaik yang berpotensi sebagai obat antimalaria
baru, yang dapat menyerang di sisi aktif tertentu dari Plasmodium falciparum,
yaitu : 1,4-dihidrodiazepin-6-morfolinometil kurkumin pada enzim PfDHFR dan
Pirimidin-2-on-5-morfolinometil kurkumin pada enzim PfDHODH.
ABSTRACTMalaria is a disease that often occurs in tropical and subtropical countries.
Prevalent of malaria in most parts of Indonesia, such as Irian Jaya, West Nusa
Tenggara (NTB) and East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). Based on the WHO's last data in
2013, there were 198 million cases of malaria worldwide, with the number of
deaths by 584,000 inhabitants. Treatment for this type of Plasmodium falciparum
malaria is chloroquine, sulfadoxine - pyrimethamine, quinine, mefloquine and
artemisinin. However, increasing parasite resistance to the antimalarial drug,
making malaria control efforts become effortless. Molecular docking as one
method in silico approaches have been used in the search for efficacious
compounds addressing malaria. In the last decade, it is known that the compound
curcumin analogues have synergistic effect with artemisinin against Plasmodium
berghei in vivo. In this study, we employed docking of new molecular compounds
curcumin derivates as antimalarial target enzymes. Molecular docking is
performed using Autodock. Based on the docking result, best compound is
obtained as a potential new antimalarial drug, which can be attacked in certain
active side of Plasmodium falciparum, which is 1,4-dihydrodiazepin-6-
morpholinomethyl curcumin on PfDHFR enzyme dan Pyrimidin-2-one-5-
morpholinomethyl curcumin on PfDHODH enzyme., Malaria is a disease that often occurs in tropical and subtropical countries.
Prevalent of malaria in most parts of Indonesia, such as Irian Jaya, West Nusa
Tenggara (NTB) and East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). Based on the WHO's last data in
2013, there were 198 million cases of malaria worldwide, with the number of
deaths by 584,000 inhabitants. Treatment for this type of Plasmodium falciparum
malaria is chloroquine, sulfadoxine - pyrimethamine, quinine, mefloquine and
artemisinin. However, increasing parasite resistance to the antimalarial drug,
making malaria control efforts become effortless. Molecular docking as one
method in silico approaches have been used in the search for efficacious
compounds addressing malaria. In the last decade, it is known that the compound
curcumin analogues have synergistic effect with artemisinin against Plasmodium
berghei in vivo. In this study, we employed docking of new molecular compounds
curcumin derivates as antimalarial target enzymes. Molecular docking is
performed using Autodock. Based on the docking result, best compound is
obtained as a potential new antimalarial drug, which can be attacked in certain
active side of Plasmodium falciparum, which is 1,4-dihydrodiazepin-6-
morpholinomethyl curcumin on PfDHFR enzyme dan Pyrimidin-2-one-5-
morpholinomethyl curcumin on PfDHODH enzyme.]